In accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko No. 375 dated November 27, 2023, Year 2024 was declared the Year of Quality.

2024The legal act is aimed at further improving the quality of life of the Belarusian people, ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy on the world stage, stimulating initiative, creating in society responsibility for the results of their work and a sense of belonging to the future of the country.

As part of the Year of Quality, emphasis will be placed on increasing the competitiveness of Belarus through a careful and thoughtful approach to resources, the implementation of high-tech and energy-intensive projects, and the priority of qualitative indicators over quantitative ones. Efforts will be focused on ensuring quality indicators by stimulating initiative, introducing innovative ideas, strengthening social optimism in society, and the desire to create for the common good. Priority attention is planned to be given to the formation of personal responsibility among citizens for achieving a high quality of life.

"Initiation into the profession" of young specialists of VSMU

Initiation profession 01A solemn event “Initiation into the Profession” was held at Vitebsk State Medical University for young specialists of the university.

The event was attended by the rector of VSMU Alexey Chukanov, the chairman of the regional trade union organization of healthcare workers Vladimir Plytkevich, the vice-rector for educational work Natalya Boltrushevich, the vice-rector for scientific work Elena Asiryan, the vice-rector for security regime and personnel Nikolai Dorofeev, trade union activists and employees of VSMU.

Read more: "Initiation into the profession" of young specialists of VSMU

Opening of the exhibition “Nostalgia”, dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the formation of the BSSR

exhibition nostalgia 01On December 28, 2023, the opening of the exhibition “Nostalgia”, dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the formation of the BSSR, took place in the main educational building of VSMU.

The VSMU Rector Aleksey Chukanov, the Vice-Rector for Educational Work Natalya Boltrushevich and the Secretary of the "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" of the VSMU Natalya Gaponko addressed those present with a welcoming speech.

Read more: Opening of the exhibition “Nostalgia”, dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the formation of the...

As part of the Republican campaign “Our Children”

nashi detiAs part of the Republican action "Our Children", traditionally held in our country on the eve of the New Year and Christmas, members of the primary organization of the public association "Belarusian Women's Union" of VSMU congratulated Sasha Piasta, a resident of Vitebsk, and presented him with a New Year's gift.

The Republican New Year's ball for youth was held at the Palace of Independence

Respublikanskiy novogodniy balThis year, more than 300 boys and girls from different regions of Belarus took part in the traditional New Year's ball at the Palace of Independence, which took place on December 27, 2023. These are gifted and talented students of universities, colleges, cadet schools and the Minsk Suvorov Military School, who have proven themselves in their studies, scientific and creative competitions, youth projects, social and sports life.

VSMU was represented by students Maxim Budnitsky, Valeria Bubnova, Victoria Shamko and Pavel Egorov.