Dialogue platform “Electoral system of the Republic of Belarus. Unified Voting Day” was held at the Faculty of Pediatrics

ped dialog 01Dialogue platform “Electoral system of the Republic of Belarus. Unified Voting Day” was held on January 9, 2024, at the Pediatric Faculty of VSMU.

The employees of the Faculty of Pediatrics and the students of the Faculty of Medicine took part in the dialogue platform. The speakers at the platform were the Dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics Tatyana Ryabova, and the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for educational work Olga Fedchuk.

During the dialogue platform the innovations and features of the 2024 election campaign were discussed.

Read more: Dialogue platform “Electoral system of the Republic of Belarus. Unified Voting Day” was held at...

Targeted social assistance is a priority

targeted social 01One of the state priorities for the development of the Republic of Belarus is to support socially vulnerable categories of citizens. Trade union organizations of employees and students, together with the administration of VSMU, provide targeted support to the families of employees and students at the university throughout the year. For example, the university administration provided financial assistance for the New Year to all students with children, as well as orphans and disabled students.

Read more: Targeted social assistance is a priority

An intellectual and educational career guidance event “I know medicine!” was held at VSMU.

ya znay medicinu 01On January 4, 2024, at the educational establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University”, the faculty of pre-university preparation held an intellectual and educational career guidance event “I know medicine!”, in which the students of grades 10-11 and students of the faculty of pre-university preparation took part. The hosts of the event were Maxim Budnitsky (the 4th year student of the Faculty of Pharmacy at VSMU) and Evelina Stryukova (the 3rd year student at the Faculty of Pediatrics), who not only conducted the event well, but also answered all the students’ questions about student life and learning conditions at VSMU.

Read more: An intellectual and educational career guidance event “I know medicine!” was held at VSMU.

With gratitude, love and care to veterans

promotion 01As part of the Republican charity event for the elderly “With all my heart”, on January 4, 2024, on the eve of Christmas, the trade union organizations of employees and students of Vitebsk State Medical University together with the administration, the primary organization “Belarusian Women's Union” of VSMU and the Veterans Council with words of gratitude for many years of creative work, congratulations on the New Year, Christmas holidays and New Year's gifts visited young prisoners of the Great Patriotic War and a veteran of trade union work, former treasurer of the trade union organization of VSMU employees Natalya Afanasyevna Morozova.

Read more: With gratitude, love and care to veterans