79th scientific session “Achievements of fundamental, clinical medicine and pharmacy”

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On January 25, a plenary meeting of the 79th scientific session of the university at the educational establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” was held.

Vice-Rector of Scientific Work Elena Asiryan delivered a welcoming speech and congratulations on the Day of Belarusian Science and the 105th anniversary of healthcare of the Republic of Belarus.

Read more: 79th scientific session “Achievements of fundamental, clinical medicine and pharmacy”

Information and educational project event – “School of Active Citizen”

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On January 25, as part of the information and educational project “School of Active Citizen,” a meeting between the rector of the educational establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” Alexey Chukanov, the vice-rector of educational work Natalia Boltrushevich with students of grades 8-11 of the State Educational Establishment “Gymnasium No. 1 named after Z. I. Alferov" was held.

Read more: Information and educational project event – “School of Active Citizen”

Cooperation with JSC “South Kazakhstan Medical Academy”

On January 22, 2024, a meeting between Vice-Rector of International Affairs and Organizational and Legal Work of VSMU Denis Lits, representatives of International and Interregional Affairs Office, representatives of Pharmaseutical Faculty and Gulnara Iskhakovna Utegenova, PhD, Doctor of the Chair of Organization and Management of the Faculty of Pharmacy of JSC “South Kazakhstan Medical Academy” (JSC “SKMA”) and students of the specified educational institution was held.

Read more: Cooperation with JSC “South Kazakhstan Medical Academy”

Meeting of the interdepartmental board of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

zased kolegRector of Vitebsk State Medical University Alexey Chukanov, Vice-Rector of Educational Work Natalia Boltrushevich took part in the meeting of the interdepartmental board of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus at Minsk State Linguistic University.

At the board meeting, issues of interaction between educational establishments and public organizations “Belarusian Republican Youth Union” and “Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization” were considered.

Rescuer Day of the Republic of Belarus and the 25th anniversary of the emergency authorities of the Republic of Belarus

spasateliOn January 19, 2024, the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Organizational and Legal Work of VSMU Denis Lits, together with the Chief of Civil Defense Staff of VSMU Vasily Dudarev, visited the Vitebsk Regional Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The head of the Vitebsk regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Meleshkin, received congratulations on behalf of the rector and staff of the educational institution “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University” on the Day of the Rescuer of the Republic of Belarus and the 25th anniversary of the emergency authorities of the Republic of Belarus.

Read more: Rescuer Day of the Republic of Belarus and the 25th anniversary of the emergency authorities of...