Meeting of students from the Sri Lanka community with inspectors of the Department of Internal Affairs and CMDs of the Pervomaisky Department of Vitebsk

vstrechaAs part of the events held during the winter holidays with students of the FOST VSMU, on February 7, 2024, in the reading room of dormitory No. 2, a meeting was held with junior students of the Sri Lankan community with the participation of inspectors of the Internal Affairs Directorate and CMDs of the Pervomaisky Department of Vitebsk. During the meeting, current issues regarding compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus were discussed.

VSMU Open Day

The educational establishment  “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” is holding an Open Day on February 17, 2024 at 11:30 at the address: Vitebsk, Frunze Avenue, 23 (laboratory and theoretical building). At the event it is planned to familiarize applicants with the university, the rules for the final stage of university Olympiads and the procedure for enrolling winners, the rules for admission to VSMU in 2024, competitions and passing scores for the university in 2023, with the features of preparing for entrance examinations in the subjects of entrance examinations - chemistry and biology.

Inquiries by phone: 8 0212 64 81 50.

Open Day program on February 17, 2024, auditorium No. 3 of the laboratory and theoretical building (Vitebsk, Frunze Ave., 23):

Read more: VSMU Open Day

Employees of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation with a course of physical education and training at VSMU trained volunteers on how to help people at polling stations

trained volunteers 01In preparation for the single voting day, in order to create comfortable conditions for voters with disabilities, a number of events were held aimed at training members of election commissions and volunteers who will be involved in polling stations on the single voting day.

Read more: Employees of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation with a course of physical education and...

Winter educational school "Organization of scientific research in immunology and bacteriology"

winter educational school 01

Winter educational school "Organization of scientific researches in immunology and bacteriology" for students of the 3-6 courses started on February 5, 2024. The school is attended by students from the Veterinary Academy, Gomel, Grodno and Vitebsk Medical Universities.

The aim of the event is to train students to perform scientific research in the field of immunology and bacteriology.

Read more: Winter educational school "Organization of scientific research in immunology and bacteriology"