Festival of artistic creativity of students and students “ART-vacations - 2024”

art vakacii 01On February 28, 2024, the second stage of the Republican festival of artistic creativity of students “ART-vacations - 2024” was held, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the Nazi invaders and the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The motto of the festival in 2024 is “Youth and time: a feat in the name of the future.” The main goal of the event is to develop citizenship, patriotism and national identity of students, identify and support young talents.

Read more: Festival of artistic creativity of students and students “ART-vacations - 2024”

We invite you to take part in the sports camping trip “We are for a healthy lifestyle”

1The primary trade union organization of VSMU employees, with the support of the Vitebsk regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers, together with the administration of the educational establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” invites you to take part in the sports tent campaign “We are for a healthy lifestyle”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

The sports camping trip will take place on July 19-28, 2024 along the route: Vitebsk - Braslav, tourist center "Braslav Lakes" - campsite "Chernishki" on Lake Strusto, - Braslav, tourist center "Braslav Lakes" - Vitebsk.

Read more: We invite you to take part in the sports camping trip “We are for a healthy lifestyle”

A ceremonial meeting of the University Council dedicated to the 40th graduation of pharmacists for extramural education

40 vipusk provizor 01On February 23, 2024, a ceremonial meeting of the University Council was held dedicated to the 40th graduation of pharmacists in correspondence education. This year, 16 graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy and FOST graduates with a specialty in Pharmacy graduated from the faculty.

The results of the state exams were summed up by the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Natalya Valerievna Lapova. The graduates solemnly recited the words “Oath of the Pharmacist of the Republic of Belarus. The diplomas were presented by the rector of the university Alexey Nikolaevich Chukanov, and the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Natalya Valerievna Lapova.

Read more: A ceremonial meeting of the University Council dedicated to the 40th graduation of pharmacists for...

Mini-football competition among Sri Lankan community teams of VSMU

Sri Lankan teams 01

On February 24, 2024, the annual mini-football competition among men's and women's Sri Lankan teams, organized by the VSMU Community Council of Sri Lanka, took place in the sports hall of the CSC "Vitebsky". For the first time, a men's team from GrSMU took part in the competition and became a silver medalist. The team "Troizeanz" won the gold in a bitter penalty fight. Among the women's teams, the winner was the team of "Genesis" graduates. The best players and teams received well-deserved awards, and all those present received a lot of emotions and vivid impressions.

Read more: Mini-football competition among Sri Lankan community teams of VSMU