Sports weekend for VSMU staff and students in Silichi

silichi 01On February 10, 2024, a trip to the republican ski center “Silichi” was organized for the employees and students - members of the trade union of the Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University and the children of employees, where, surrounded by a coniferous forest, there are 10 ski slopes of varying difficulty levels.

Every lover of active winter recreation could find something to their liking: skiing, snowboarding, skating, tubing. And those who came to the ski center for the first time were able to use the services of an instructor who taught basic skiing and snowboarding skills.

Skiing is a great way to improve your physical fitness, increase endurance and have fun.

Read more: Sports weekend for VSMU staff and students in Silichi

Excursion trip of VSMU students of the Faculty of Overseas Student’s Training to Mir and Nesvizh castles

ekskurs zamki 06As part of the events held during the winter holidays with VSMU students of the FOST, on February 9, 2024, a trip of foreign students took place to the magnificent castles of Belarus - Mirsky and Nesvizhsky.

The excursion participants were able to enjoy the grandeur, history and picturesque architecture of the unique monuments of the national culture of Belarus, and became acquainted with incredible stories, mysteries and secrets associated with the Mir and Nesvizh castles.

Read more: Excursion trip of VSMU students of the Faculty of Overseas Student’s Training to Mir and Nesvizh...

Winter educational school "Organization of scientific research in immunology and bacteriology"

zimn obr shkola 01On February 9, 2024, the winter educational school “Organization of Scientific Research in Immunology and Bacteriology,” which was held from February 5, 2024 to February 9, 2024, was closed. Within the framework of the school, students of various universities and VSMU became acquainted with general issues of scientific research and opportunities for financing work.

Read more: Winter educational school "Organization of scientific research in immunology and bacteriology"

Open chess tournament at the Faculty of Overseas Students Training of VSMU

chess tournament 01As part of the events held with students of the FOST of VSMU, an open chess tournament was held on February 2-3 in hostel No. 1. The teams of students from Sri Lanka, Nigeria and Morocco took part in the tournament. As a result of the games held according to the Swiss system, Sri Lankan students of the 2nd and 3rd years won. The winners received certificates and memorable gifts.

Congratulations to the winners!

Read more: Open chess tournament at the Faculty of Overseas Students Training of VSMU

Excursion of foreign students of VSMU to the museum-estate of I.E. Repin "Zdravnevo"

repina 01In order to familiarize foreign students of VSMU with the historical and cultural values ​​of the Republic of Belarus, on February 7, 2024, an excursion to the museum-estate of I.E. Repin "Zdravnevo" was held.

Students learned about how the life and work of the great Russian artist are connected with the Belarusian land, and got acquainted with Belarusian winter fun.

The excursion day turned out to be very eventful and gave the students a lot of positive emotions and vivid impressions.

Read more: Excursion of foreign students of VSMU to the museum-estate of I.E. Repin "Zdravnevo"