Providing therapeutic and diagnostic assistance to the population by the employees of the clinical departments of VSMU

Providing diagnostic 01As part of the joint travel plans of VSMU and the State Healthcare Institution of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee, as well as the State Healthcare Institution of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee to provide medical and diagnostic assistance to the population, employees of the clinical departments of VSMU in the areas of cardiology, neurology, surgery, otorhinolaryngology and traumatology carried out visits to the Belynichi Central District Hospital and the Miorskaya Healthcare Institution Central District Hospital", Healthcare Institution "Rosson Central District Hospital", Healthcare Institution "Sennen Central District Hospital", Healthcare Institution "Ushachi Central District Hospital", Healthcare Institution "Sharkovshchina Central Regional Hospital", Healthcare Institution "Braslav Central District Hospital", Healthcare Institution "Beshenkovichi Central District Hospital", Healthcare Institution "Verkhnedvinskaya Central Regional Hospital", Healthcare Institution "Novopolotsk Central City Hospital".

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University Council

sovet univer 2024 01On January 18, 2024, a regular meeting of the University Council was held at VSMU.

A report on the work and prospects for the development of the chemical-pharmaceutical laboratory was presented by the head of M&PhTTC Mikhail Pivovar. A representative of the Department for Combating Cybercrime of the Criminal Police of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee took part in the work of the Council, and familiarized those present with a report on the topic “How to avoid becoming a victim of a cybercriminal.”

Read more: University Council

The library invites you to the exhibition of graphic works “Anatomy of Beauty”.

anatomia krasotiOn January 23, 2024, the exhibition will change in the art gallery of the university library.

The exhibition of graphics entitled “Anatomy of Beauty” presents graphic works by Maria Yanchenko, a 6th year student of the Faculty of Medicine. The plot and nature of the works are very unusual and literally mesmerizes at first sight. The idea of ​​accepting life as a miracle, through the combination in graphics of the anatomical structure of human systems and organs with elements of living and inanimate nature, looks unexpected and fresh. Nature as the basis of life! This is a must see!

We invite you to watch!

Read more: The library invites you to the exhibition of graphic works “Anatomy of Beauty”.

The VSMU delegation led by the Rector Alexey Chukanov took part in career guidance meetings with graduating students of general secondary educational institutions

delegac VGMU 01January 17, 2024 on the basis of the healthcare establishment “City Hospital No. 1 named after. Semashko" in Orsha and the State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 21" in Mogilev, career guidance meetings were held with graduating students of general secondary educational establishments, in which a delegation from VSMU, headed by the rector Alexei Chukanov and the representatives of healthcare and educational institutions took part.

Read more: The VSMU delegation led by the Rector Alexey Chukanov took part in career guidance meetings with...