Open dialogue "Belarusian Republican Youth Union - time of opportunity"

open dialogue brsm 01On February 13, 2024, an open dialogue “Belarusian Republican Youth Union - a time of opportunity” took place at VSMU.

The event was attended by the Vice-Rector for Security, Regime and Personnel Nikolai Dorofeev, the Vice-Rector for Educational Work Natalya Boltrushevich, the Secretary of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union of VSMU Natalya Gaponko, Chairman of the VSMU Student Council Polina Denisenok, the student activist of the university.

Read more: Open dialogue "Belarusian Republican Youth Union - time of opportunity"

Meeting with the delegation of the problematic research Laboratory “Diagnostic studies and minimally invasive technologies” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Smolensk State Medical University”

delegaciya SmolenskOn February 9, 2024, within the framework of cooperation between VSMU and "Smolensk State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, a working meeting was held with the delegation of the problematic research Laboratory "Diagnostic studies and minimally invasive technologies" of "Smolensk State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation headed by the director of the laboratory, professor, doctor of medical sciences Alexey Borsukov with the rector of VSMU Alexey Chukanov, the vice-rector for international relations and organizational and legal work Denis Lits and the head of the department of international and interregional relations Elena Sharykhina.

Read more: Meeting with the delegation of the problematic research Laboratory “Diagnostic studies and...