Dialogue platform “Current issues of immunization”

immunizaciya 01The dialogue platform “Current issues of immunization” was held on March 1, 2024, at VSMU.

Presentations were made by members of the delegation of the WHO Representative Office in the Republic of Belarus: the Head of the WHO Country Office in Belarus Sergei Diorditsa, the Infectious Diseases Program Coordinator Oleg Dubovik, the Public Health Program Coordinator Valentin Rusovich, as well as the Chief Physician of the Vitebsk Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health Vladimir Sinkevich .

Read more: Dialogue platform “Current issues of immunization”

Opening of the exhibition “History of Vaccination”

History vaccination 01On March 1, 2024, the opening of the exhibition “History of Vaccination” took place at Vitebsk State Medical University.

Participating in the opening were the WHO representative in the Republic of Belarus Sergei Diorditsa, the Deputy Head of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee Lyudmila Kovaleva, the Chief Physician of the Vitebsk Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health Vladimir Sinkevich, the Infectious Diseases Program Coordinator Oleg Dubovik, the Public Health Program Coordinator Valentin Rusovich, the VSMU administration, staff and students.

Read more: Opening of the exhibition “History of Vaccination”

VSMU teachers provide medical and advisory assistance in the Vitebsk region

lechebn kons pomosh 01On February 28, 2024, the assistant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Svetlana Kibik held an outpatient appointment with patients at the Rossony Central District Hospital health care facility. A set of procedures was carried out, including consultation, examination and various studies.

On February 29, 2024, visits were made to health care institutions “Verkhnedvinsk Central District Hospital” and “Beshenkovichi Central District Hospital”.

Read more: VSMU teachers provide medical and advisory assistance in the Vitebsk region

VSMU at the 21st international specialized exhibition "Education and Career"

21 international exhibition 01On March 1, 2024, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Andrei Ivanets opened the 21st international exhibition for students, applicants and their parents “Education and Career”, which was attended by the delegation from VSMU led by the Rector of the university Alexey Chukanov and the Vice-rector for international relations and organizational-legal work Denis Lits. At the event, master classes from students of all faculties were demonstrated and a virtual excursion in the form of videos was presented, as well as information and souvenir materials were distributed. The VSMU stand was the center of attention. While visiting it, the Minister of Education spoke with the university leadership and students, outlining the prospects for the development of higher medical education.

Read more: VSMU at the 21st international specialized exhibition "Education and Career"

VSMU teachers continue to provide medical and advisory assistance to practical healthcare doctors in the regions of Vitebsk and Mogilev

pomosh vrachamTeachers of the educational establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” continue to provide medical and advisory assistance to practical healthcare doctors in the regions of Vitebsk and Mogilev.

On February 26-28, 2024, visits were made to health care institutions: Doktshitsy Central District Hospital, Ushachi Central District Hospital, Beshenkovichi Central District Hospital, Mstislavl Central District Hospital.

The assistant of the Department of General Surgery Artem Kotyashov and the assistant of the Department of Hospital Surgery with a course of FAT and PR Vladislav Derkach examined 29 patients; in Ushachi and Dokshitsy Central District Hospitals, demonstrative minimally invasive procedures were carried out in hospitals.

Read more: VSMU teachers continue to provide medical and advisory assistance to practical healthcare doctors...