Dialogue platform “Electoral system of the Republic of Belarus. Single voting day"

2ped dialogDialogue platform “Electoral system of the Republic of Belarus. Unified Voting Day” was held on December 28, 2023, at VSMU. The dialogue platform was attended by the 2nd year students of the Faculty of Pediatrics, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for educational work Olga Fedchuk, the Deputy Dean for educational work of the Faculty of Pediatrics Elena Batalkina.

Read more: Dialogue platform “Electoral system of the Republic of Belarus. Single voting day"

Congratulations to the winners of the competition for an intra-university scientific startup grant!

Pozdravleniye pobediteley konkursa 01The Student Scientific Society and the Council of Young Scientists congratulate the winners of the competition for an intra-university scientific startup grant. The winners of the competition among young scientists of the educational establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” are:

Read more: Congratulations to the winners of the competition for an intra-university scientific startup grant!

VSMU joined the “Our Children” campaign

vsmu our children 01As part of the Republican action “Our Children,” the VSMU Rector Alexey Chukanov and the Vice-Rector for Educational Work Natalya Boltrushevich took part in the New Year’s celebration, which was held in the kindergarten No.70 in Vitebsk “Firefly.” Alexey Nikolaevich congratulated the employees of the institution, parents and kindergarten pupils on the upcoming New Year and presented sweet gifts to the children.

Read more: VSMU joined the “Our Children” campaign

Unified information day at VSMU

ediniy denA single information day on the topic “Political security as the basis of socio-political stability of a sovereign state. The 2024 election campaign in new legal conditions” was conducted by curator I.V. Kuchko with the VSMU 4th year students (17th group) of the Faculty of Medicine.