Visit of Representatives of the San Rafael Clinic, the Group of University and Research Hospitals of San Donato (Italy) and the Company "Inpharmatis" (Latvia) in VSMU

Visit 2018 01In June 11, 2018 a delegation consisting of Professor Germano Melissano - Head of the Clinic for Vascular Surgery of the San Rafael Hospital in Milan, a member of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, the International Society of Surgeons, the European Society for Vascular Surgery; James George - Vice President for International Relations, San Donato Hospital Group (Italy), and Polina Dombure - Member of the Management Board of Inpharmatis (Latvia) visited VSMU.

Read more: Visit of Representatives of the San Rafael Clinic, the Group of University and Research Hospitals...

Visit of the Chairman of the Higher Education Council of the Republic of Latvia to the VSMU

vizit latvii 04On 27 November 2017, the Chairman of the Higher Education Council of the Republic of Latvia, Mr. Janis Vetra, and the Consul - the Head of the Consulate of the Republic of Latvia in Vitebsk, Mr. Ugis Skuja visited VSMU.

During their visit to VSMU, the guests became acquainted with the structure of our university, its material and technical facilities, the organization of the educational process at the departments of human anatomy and clinical microbiology, and also were shown the electronic library and anatomical museum.

Read more: Visit of the Chairman of the Higher Education Council of the Republic of Latvia to the VSMU

Visit of the Lecturer of the Chair of Nursing from Tallinn Higher School of Health in VSMU

visit lektora 03On the 27th of February 2018 the Lecturer of the Chair of Nursing from Tallinn Higher School of Health, coordinator of training activities in Kohtla-Jarve structural unit (Republic of Estonia) Ms. Olesja Zeel visited VSMU.
The guest got acquainted with the structure of our university, its material and technical base, organization of the educational process at the departments of human anatomy and clinical microbiology and also visited the electronic library and anatomical museum.

Ms. Olesja Zeel discussed with the authorities of VSMU issues related to further international cooperation through bilateral interuniversity agreements and expressed interest in future joint projects.

Read more: Visit of the Lecturer of the Chair of Nursing from Tallinn Higher School of Health in VSMU

Visit of the Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic to VSMU

Slovakia 02On 15 November 2017, the delegation of the Slovak Republic headed by the Minister of Health Tomas Drucker visited VSMU. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to the Republic of Belarus Josef Migash, Chairman of the Health Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Stefan Zelnik, Director General of the Pharmaceutical and Drug Policy Section of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic Matej Petrovich, Director of the State Bureau for Drug Control Zuzana Bitiova and other representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Embassy of the Slovak Republic were among the guests of our University.

Read more: Visit of the Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic to VSMU

Visit to the interactive exhibition “SINGLE VOTE DAY” by VSMU students

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The students and staff of hostels No. 5 and No. 8 visited the interactive exhibition “ONE VOTE DAY” on the 3rd floor of the main academic building of VSMU. The exhibition was organized in preparation for a single voting day, with the aim of widely popularizing and informing students and university staff.

We invite all students and staff to get acquainted with the exhibition.

Read more: Visit to the interactive exhibition “SINGLE VOTE DAY” by VSMU students

Vitebsk Dermatological Readings - 2019

derm read 2019On April 5, 2019, the traditional annual international scientific-practical conference "Vitebsk Dermatological Readings: Evidence-Based Medicine in Dermatology and Venereology" was held at Vitebsk State Medical University. This forum was attended by 270 dermatovenerologists and cosmetologists, general practitioners, representatives of various therapeutic specialties (rheumatology, allergology, endocrinology), pediatricians and oncologists from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Slovenia, Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland.

Read more: Vitebsk Dermatological Readings - 2019

VSMU employees team – the winner of the II stage of the open championship in intellectual games for the cup of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers

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The intellectual tournament was held on January 26 at Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital and brought together about sixty participants. The event was organized by Vitebsk regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers. As part of ten teams, representatives of healthcare institutions from Vitebsk, Orsha, Braslav, Novopolotsk, as well as Lepel region entered the fight for the right to be considered the best experts.

The competition program included 4 rounds: “Media ABC”, “Oil Painting”, “Blitz Game”, “Quiz”. The players answered questions related to the professional sphere, trade union topics, and works of art.

Read more: VSMU employees team – the winner of the II stage of the open championship in intellectual games...

VSMU has a leading position amongst the universities of the Republic of Belarus in The Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings 2021

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According to the latest list ranking released by the Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings 2021, VSMU has been ranked 601-800, taking the leading position amongst the universities in the Republic of Belarus (GRSMU ranked 801-1000, BSUIR – 1000+). The results are published on the website The overall ranking includes 1,117 universities from 94 countries/regions.

Read more: VSMU has a leading position amongst the universities of the Republic of Belarus in The Times...

VSMU specialists conduct training webinars for doctors of young specialists from healthcare institutions in the Vitebsk and Mogilev regions


A series of training webinars for doctors of young specialists in healthcare institutions of the Vitebsk and Mogilev regions continues in accordance with the joint plans of the main health departments of the Vitebsk and Mogilev regional executive committees.

On February 15, 2024, training webinars took place:

Read more: VSMU specialists conduct training webinars for doctors of young specialists from healthcare...