Wishing Happy New Year to Sri Lanka community!

Новый год. Шри ЛанкаHappy New Year to Sri Lankan students! This is a special holiday that gives hope for happiness and good luck, brings the joy of new endeavors. We wish you good health, happiness, mental stability, self-confidence and optimism!

May peace and tranquility, love and prosperity always prevail in your homes, and difficulties bypass you! We wish you success in your studies, vital luckiness and creative inspirations!

VSMU Administration

Within the framework of academic mobility professor Y.Y. Eliseev visited VSMU

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On 26-28th April, 2017, within the framework of academic mobility, the representative of the Federal State Educational Establishment "Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky", the Head of the Department of general hygiene and ecology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation, Academician Y.Y. Eliseev visited Vitebsk State Medical University.

Read more: Within the framework of academic mobility professor Y.Y. Eliseev visited VSMU

Work experience at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

stazhirovka v litveFrom 5 to 9 December 9, 2017, the Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics of the VSMU Zhuravlyova Lyudmila Nikolayevna undertook a work experience at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, within the framework of the state program of social development for 2016-2020.

The main part of the work experience was held on the basis of the neonatal and children's clinic "Kauno klinikos". The neonatal clinic, which specializes in providing assistance to premature babies, born before 34 weeks of gestation, is equipped with the latest diagnostic and medical equipment, and has a bank of donor breast milk. Specialists of the high qualification work in the clinic. 

Read more: Work experience at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

World Bank specialists visit VSMU

bank 08On 15 January 2020, a delegation of World Bank specialists visited VSMU to discuss issues of organizing long-term care for elderly people in the Republic of Belarus.

During a visit to our university, the guests got acquainted with its structure, material and technical base, the structure of educational process at the departments of human anatomy and clinical microbiology, and were shown the anatomical museum.

Read more: World Bank specialists visit VSMU

XLV Competition “Lifestyle, Health and Success - 85 Anniversary of VSMU”

From February 11 to June 5 2019 the XLV competition "Lifestyle, health and success - 85 Anniversary of VSMU" is held in the educational establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University".

Participants are offered to create video, multimedia presentation, sanitary bulletin, posters, lecture, guidebook, booklet and other forms of healthy lifestyle popularization for the page "Healthy Lifestyle" on the official website of VSMU.

Students of all faculties and courses, postgraduates, clinical residents and university staff are invited to take part in this competition.

XVIII international conference of students and young scientists "Student’s medical science of the XXI century"

Dear colleagues!

On the 1-2 November 2018, Vitebsk State Medical University will host the XVIII international conference of students and young scientists "Student’s medical science of the XXI century" and as a part of it on the 1 of November 2018 III Forum of young scientific societies will be held.
The Council of Student’s Scientific Society (SSS) and the Council of Young Scientists of VSMU invite students and young scientists to take part in the conference.

XX International Festival "Student autumn 2016"

previewThis long-awaited day - Friday, 28 October, has at last arrived. And we have been waiting for it not only this was the last day of work and study of the week, but also because the jubilee XX International Festival "Student autumn 2016" was officially launched this day. Back in 1997, at the initiative of the rector of the then medical institute, Kosinets Alexander Nikolayevich, sport events, the culinary competition, intellectual tournament, Miss and Mister VSMU contest and KVN were added to the contest of pop songs - and in such a way our festival was born, which reached such an extent to be called international.

Read more: XX International Festival "Student autumn 2016"

XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference for Students and Young Scientists “Student Medical Science of XXI century” and “VI Forum of Youth Scientific Societies(VSMU, October 27-28, 2021)

Dear colleagues! 

Student Scientific Society and Council of Young Scientists of VSMU invite students and young scientists to take part in XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Student Medical Science of XXI century” and “VI Forum of Youth Scientific Societies, which will be held on October 27-28, 2021. 

The deadline for submitting articles is September 17, 2021. Materials and applications for the participation in the Conference and Forum will be accepted online only at VSMU website (the conference page).

XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Student Medical Science of the XXI Century" and VII Forum of Youth Scientific Societies (VSMU, October 26-27, 2022)

On October 26-27, 2022, XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Student Medical Science of the XXI Century" and the VII Forum of Youth Scientific Societies will be held. Student Scientific Society and Young Scientists Society of VSMU invites students and young scientists take part in the conference. The deadline for accepting articles in the sourcebook is September 15, 2022 (registration closes at 5 p.m.).

Materials and applications for participation in the conference and forum will be accepted only online on the conference page of the VSMU website.