Announcement on the nomination of applicants for academic titles

On May 22, 2024 at 14.00 in the conference hall of the main academic building at a meeting of the University Council, the applicants for the award of academic titles will be presented:

  • the Professor of the Department of General Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor V.L. Denisenko - to the academic title of professor in the specialty “Medicine”;
  • the Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Candidate of Medical Sciences I.N. Ogrizko - to the academic title of associate professor in the specialty “Medicine”;
  • the Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacy, Physics and Education, Candidate of Biological Sciences O.A. Yakovleva - to the academic title of associate professor in the specialty “Biology”.

The solemn ceremony of celebrating the Day of the State Flag, the State Emblem and the National Anthem of the Republic of Belarus

solemn ceremony 01On May 12, 2024, at the site near the flagpole of the Vitebsk State Medical University, a regional solemn ceremony was held to celebrate the Day of the State Flag, State Emblem and National Anthem of the Republic of Belarus.

The ceremony was attended by the leadership of the region and the city, representatives of public organizations, students of Vitebsk educational establishments, students and staff of VSMU.

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Congratulations on the Day of the State Flag, State Emblem and National Anthem of the Republic of Belarus from the Rector of the University

gimn flagDear colleagues and university students!

Congratulations on the Day of the State Flag, State Emblem and State Anthem of the Republic of Belarus!

To protect, respect and be proud of the state symbols of the Republic of Belarus is the duty of every true citizen of our country.

State symbols embody the idea of ​​national unity of the Belarusian people, reflect the spiritual and moral qualities of the nation, political autonomy and independence.

Let this holiday contribute to the consolidation of our society, strengthening the sense of patriotism and national identity! Peace, prosperity and new creative achievements for the benefit of the Republic of Belarus!

University Rector A.N. Chukanov

Congratulations on Victory Day from the rector of the university

9Dear veterans, colleagues and university students!

I cordially congratulate you on the Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War!

On this holiday we are all filled with a sense of pride in the generation of winners that liberated the world from fascism. We sacredly honor the military and labor feats of those who survived the heroic struggle for the freedom and independence of our Motherland. Low bow to veterans!

May the sky above our Motherland always be peaceful and cloudless! I wish everyone happiness, health, prosperity and goodness!

University Rector A.N. Chukanov