VSMU Biblionight 2024 took place

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On October 10, 2024, the second "VSMU Biblionight 2024" in the history of the university took place.

On this autumn evening students, teachers and university staff could gain new knowledge, some skills and abilities, aesthetic pleasure, souvenir photos and even a portrait in thematically decorated locations.

The Biblionight program combined educational and entertaining content. Lecture platforms, master classes and games worked until late in the evening. At the "In the Rhythm of Sounds" platform, invited guests, students and university staff presented poetry and musical numbers.

Mimes and life-size puppets created the atmosphere.

The Art Gallery hosted the Book Face exhibition, which featured the most interesting photographs from the eponymous section of the library's Instagram account.

Biblionight participants brought books with them to exchange them as part of a "blind" book exchange.

Students wrote about their immediate plans on the "100 Ideas for Autumn" checklists, and left feedback about the event on an improvised yellow cardboard hat, which represented autumn.

Biblionight in numbers: 7 venues, 20 events, the number of participants at each of which reached 60 people, 18 teams at master classes. We thank our guests: poetess Irina Radikhovskaya, youth theater "Koleso", People's Theater of Miniatures, Olga Kosova, Svetlana Konyukhova, VSMU graduate Irina Shchukina, People's Theater of Games, board game store Hobby Games, Nikita Zakharchuk, Yulia Kutepova, Marina Dorozhkina and their teams, students of the art and graphic faculty of VSU named after P.M. Masherov Alena Frantsuzova, Karina Levacheva, Diana Pavlovich, Veronika Vinnik.

We are grateful to the university teachers who took part as lecturers and master class leaders, A.L. Tserkovskiy, E.D. Genshaft, I.I. Stoyakova, I.I. Vozmitel.

Special thanks to the university students involved in the program, who supported the idea of ​​the biblionight and took part as leaders, readers, musical performers, designers, speakers.

We are grateful to Andrey Kirillov and Vadim Bovdilo for the musical accompaniment.

We are grateful to the rector's office and all the university services that provided support in holding the event. I thank the library staff as a whole, the employees responsible for the locations, the ideological inspirers and developers of the event Elena Novodvorskaya and Irina Varganova for their creative, active and responsible participation, which allowed the biblionight to take place.

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Head of the library Elena Krasikova