The VSMU team is the winner of the Open Mind Games Championship for the BTUHW Cup

pobedaThe final of the intellectual tournament was held on April 11, 2024 in Minsk and brought together 25 teams of the representatives of the country’s healthcare system, including the teams from the Ministry of Health of Belarus. In total, more than 1,200 healthcare workers aged 35 years and older took part in the qualifying stages of the Championship at regional levels.

The competition program included 4 rounds: “Media ABC”, “Oil Painting”, “Blitz Game”, “Quiz”. As a result of the competition, the team of the employees of the Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University has won.

Read more: The VSMU team is the winner of the Open Mind Games Championship for the BTUHW Cup

The library invites you to take part in the “Memory in Faces” event dedicated to the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

afisha pamyatDear employees, teachers and students of the university!

The VSMU Library invites everyone to take part in our “Memory in Faces” event dedicated to the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

In this special project we want to jointly pay tribute to those who fought for the freedom and independence of our country, to those who sacrificed their lives for future generations. Let's create a memory gallery together to preserve and convey the stories and faces of those who gave everything for their homeland.

Send portraits of your relatives (veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War) and their short biography, as well as your photo by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or bring photographic material to room 202, Medical Library building until April 26.

Join us and let's honor the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War!

VSMU joined the republican action “Adnavim lasy razam”

restore forest 01On April 10, 2024, the students and staff of Vitebsk State Medical University took part in the republican action “Let's restore forests together”, dedicated to the Year of Quality. On this sunny day, labor activists, with the support of the university administration, went to the Ullskoye forestry of the Beshenkovichi district of the Vitebsk region, where throughout the day they assisted the forestry department in planting two-year-old pine seedlings in a previously prepared area.

Read more: VSMU joined the republican action “Adnavim lasy razam”

Student spring 2024

stud vesna 01On April 10, 2024, as part of the city youth creativity festival “Student Spring 2024,” the groups and individual performers from the VSMU student club demonstrated their talents in choreography, vocals and theatrical art, presenting an unforgettable show to the audience.

The performances of the artists were vibrant and worthy of attention. The jury will have a difficult task in choosing the Grand Prix winners and three prize winners based on the results of the competition.

Read more: Student spring 2024

Regional scientific and practical conference of neurologists and neurosurgeons was held at VSMU

conference neurologists 01On April 10, 2024, a joint regional scientific and practical conference of neurologists and neurosurgeons with the “Belarusian Association of Doctors” was held at the Vitebsk State Medical University, dedicated to the results of the work and directions for improving the neurological and neurosurgical services of the Vitebsk region.

Read more: Regional scientific and practical conference of neurologists and neurosurgeons was held at VSMU