"Hyper Hoop All Star" Basketball Tournament

Hyper Hoop All Star 01On April 20, 2024, the “Hyper Hoop All Star” basketball competition was held among the men's and women's teams of the Sri Lankan community in the large gymnasium of VSMU.

Students from VSMU and GrSMU took part in the tournament as part of 4 national teams. The teams were named after the regional centers of the Republic of Belarus.

As a result of exciting matches, the men's team "Mogilev Navi" and the women's team "Vitebsk Vipers" won.

Read more: "Hyper Hoop All Star" Basketball Tournament

International event "Indian Fresher's Night"

Indian Freshers Night 01On April 20, 2024, a vibrant international event "Indian Fresher's Night" was held in the assembly hall of hostel No. 2 with the participation of the students from the Indian community.

This is a kind of “initiation as a student,” which this year was called “Together we rise,” organized by the third-year students for 1st-2nd year students of autumn and winter admission.

Students happily demonstrated their talents in musical performances in colorful national costumes.

Read more: International event "Indian Fresher's Night"

Republican cleanup day at VSMU

respublik sub 01On April 20, 2024, at Vitebsk State Medical University, as part of a republican cleanup day, work was carried out to improve the territory adjacent to the university and dormitories.

The administration, staff and students of VSMU, a total of more than 1,700 people, took part in restoring order on the campus.

Read more: Republican cleanup day at VSMU

VSMU students are laureates of the International Student Festival “GxP-Fest 2024”

GxP fest 02On April 19, 2024, the 4th year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of VSMU Kirill Belokursky, Dmitry Chaplinsky, Elizaveta Aginskaya, Maria Kosenkova, accompanied by a senior teacher of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technologies with the course of FAT and PR of VSMU Ivan Alekseevich Savkov took part in the final stage of the International student festival “GxP-Fest” 2024”, which was held in Moscow by the Eurasian Academy of Good Practices with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Read more: VSMU students are laureates of the International Student Festival “GxP-Fest 2024”