Training seminar for VSMU employees

obuch seminar 02On April 19, 2024, at Vitebsk State Medical University, as part of the training course on the program “Requirements and application of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 15, 2014 No. 5 “On strengthening the requirements for management personnel and employees of organizations,” a training seminar was held for the university employees.

Read more: Training seminar for VSMU employees

Delegation of VSMU at the scientific and practical conference “Assessment of medical technologies in the development strategy of the healthcare system of the Republic of Belarus”

delegaciya 01On April 18, 2024, the delegation of VSMU took part in the republican scientific and practical conference with international participation, at which reports were presented by famous scientists from Minsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Astana, Gomel, etc., dedicated to the strategy for the development of healthcare in Belarus and the assessment of medical technologies.

Read more: Delegation of VSMU at the scientific and practical conference “Assessment of medical technologies...

Advanced training course for young specialists on the topic “Emergency conditions and resuscitation in cardiology”

course for young 01At VSMU, at the Department of Hospital Therapy and Cardiology with a course of FAT and PR from 08/04/2024 to 19/04/2024, for the first time, a refresher course was held for young specialists - anesthesiologists-resuscitators, cardiologists, emergency doctors, general practitioners, doctors -therapists on the topic “Emergency conditions and resuscitation in cardiology.”

Read more: Advanced training course for young specialists on the topic “Emergency conditions and...

Volunteers of VSMU at the IX International Festival “Our choice is a healthy lifestyle!”

festival volunteer teams 01On April 18-20, 2024, in Pinsk, on the basis of the educational establishment “Polesie State University”, the IX International Festival of Volunteer Teams “Our Choice is a Healthy Lifestyle!” was held, in which VSMU volunteers took part.

At the festival, volunteers visited sites on providing first aid to people, on the work of a therapy dog ​​with people with special needs of psychophysical development, an intensive social volunteering program “Give a healthy interactive!”, and a smart project “Juicy Choice”.

Read more: Volunteers of VSMU at the IX International Festival “Our choice is a healthy lifestyle!”