Foreign students of VSMU celebrated the traditional New Year - “Avurudu”

Avurudu 01On April 14-15, 2024, the students of VSMU of the Sri Lankan community celebrated "Avurudu" - the Sinhala and Tamil New Year. Traditionally, it consisted of two stages: outdoors (VSMU stadium and the territory of hostel No. 1) and in the large gym of VSMU.

Students were divided into 4 teams, differing in color. First, each team tried to score as many points as possible in sports competitions, then during the presentation of national dishes. And the next day, the students from each team presented outlandish, unique decorations for the team in their own color.

Read more: Foreign students of VSMU celebrated the traditional New Year - “Avurudu”

Participation of VSMU in the LXXXIII Annual Final Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists

LXXXIII konf 02On April 13, 2024, a meeting of the section “Urology + Nephrology” was held in St. Petersburg as part of the LXXXIII Annual final scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists with international participation “Current issues in experimental and clinical medicine - 2024”. The section was attended by the 5th year student of the Faculty of Medicine Elizaveta Kharitonovich, who made a report on the topic “The influence of risk factors on the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the Belarusian unorganized population.”

Based on the results of the section the student’s report was highly noted by the presidium and awarded a 1st degree diploma.

Read more: Participation of VSMU in the LXXXIII Annual Final Scientific and Practical Conference of Students...

Dialogue platform “Investigation of the criminal case of the genocide of the Belarusian people: restoration of historical justice”

dialog ploshjadka 02On April 15, 2024, a dialogue platform was held at VSMU with the 1st year students of the Faculty of Medicine with the participation of the assistant prosecutor of Vitebsk - V.V. Vikhrov.

The speaker told students about the progress of the investigation into the criminal case of the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War.

It was noted that numerous, previously unknown facts of mass extermination of the civilian population of Belarus by Nazi criminals are being established.

Read more: Dialogue platform “Investigation of the criminal case of the genocide of the Belarusian people:...

VSMU joined the project of the charitable foundation of Alexei Talay “Children of Belarus - veterans and future generations”

deti Belarusi 02On April 15, 2024, a ceremonial installation of a flask for collecting coins that will be included in the alloy of the memorial sign “Living Memory of Grateful Generations” took place at VSMU.

The event was attended by the VSMU Rector Alexey Chukanov, the university staff and students, the representatives of VSMU public associations, and Lidia Shishko, a representative of the Alexey Talai Foundation for the Vitebsk Region.

Read more: VSMU joined the project of the charitable foundation of Alexei Talay “Children of Belarus -...

VSMU employees continue to provide medical and advisory assistance to colleagues in the regions of Vitebsk and Mogilev

ltkThis working week the following trips were carried out in the Vitebsk region:

08/04/2024 the assistant at the Department of Hospital Surgery with a course of FAT and PR Derkach V.I. examined 4 patients at the Orsha central clinic of the city hospital named after. Semashko.

Read more: VSMU employees continue to provide medical and advisory assistance to colleagues in the regions of...