Important Information about the Conference “Vitebsk Dermatological Day”

Dear Colleagues, In connection with coronavirus infection, the conference “Vitebsk Dermatological Day” (April 3, 2020) is postponed to another time (tentatively - September 11, 2020). The organizing committee of the conference regrets the impossibility of holding the event on time due to circumstances beyond our control. Additional information will be brought to your attention earliest in June. We thank you for your understanding and hope to meet you in Vitebsk in autumn.

Lukyanau A.M., Chief Dermatovenerologist of the Ministry
of Public Health of the Republic of Belarus
Adaskevich U.P., Chairman of Belarusian Society
of Dermatovenereologists and Cosmetologists

Improvement of the monument

Improvement the monumentВ ВГМУ стало доброй традицией заниматься благоустройством мемориальных объектов. В городе Витебске, рядом со Смоленским рынком, расположен памятник Героям Витебского подполья, шефство над которым с 2018 года взяли сотрудники и студенты ВГМУ. 

31 января 2024 года сотрудники спортивного клуба и кафедры физической культуры ВГМУ навели порядок на территории памятника: убрали скопившийся за зиму мусор и снег.

Подобные акции позволяют отдать дань памяти и уважения погибшим, еще раз поблагодарить их за возможность быть нам счастливыми сегодня.

In preparation for the Unified Voting Day dialogue platforms were held at the Faculty of Medicine of VSMU

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Dialogue platforms “Electoral system of the Republic of Belarus. Unified Voting Day” took place on January 10, 2024, at VSMU.

The 3rd and 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine took part in the dialogue platforms; the speaker was Olga Fedchuk, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Educational Work.

Read more: In preparation for the Unified Voting Day dialogue platforms were held at the Faculty of Medicine...

Innovative entrepreneurship contest

previewThe Global entrepreneurship week took place in Belarus on 14-20 November in which the innovative entrepreneurship contest was held participated by young and talented business people offering their projects. Authors of social projects were able to offer their ideas in this contest as well. The main requirement was to use modern IT-technologies to implement these ideas. 31 teams trying to do their best to present their project competed in this event.

Read more: Innovative entrepreneurship contest

Intellectual, cognitive and career guidance event for students in grades 10 – 11 “I know medicine!”


The Faculty of Pre-University Training of the educational establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” invites students in grades 10-11 to take part in the event “I Know Medicine!”, which will take place on January 4, 2023, at 10.00.

As part of this event, students will be able to participate in the intellectual game “I know medicine!” The number of participants is limited.

Applications are accepted from December 26, 2023 to December 29, 2023 by phone: 8 (0212) 64-81-50. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

International “Science and Education” Competition organized by the Club of the Rectors of Europe (CRE)

sertificateVSMU took part in the International “Science and Education” Competition organized by the Club of the Rectors of Europe (CRE) and the Socrates Committee (Oxford, UK) for higher educational institutions.

The main goals
of the event are to support the pioneers of new knowledge and inspire others to do the same; to develop databases in order to promote the best educational institutions, educational programmes, professors and teachers; to encourage the academic, creative and social activity of teachers and students; and to support, professionalize and recognize innovative academic practice.

Judging process
The Academic Council puts the submitted information about the entrants on the online Leaders Network, grouped by categories.

Read more: International “Science and Education” Competition organized by the Club of the Rectors of Europe...

International Accreditation of the University


From February 8 to February 10, 2022, the External Expert Commission (EEC) of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) will work in a hybrid format at the Educational Establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University”. This visit will take place as part of the procedures for institutional and program accreditation for the compliance of the university's activities with international standards (based on WFME / AMSE).

Read more: International Accreditation of the University

International conference «Orthopedics and traumatology, eastern convention»

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The International Conference on Orthopedics and Traumatology, Eastern Convention (“Orthopedics and Traumatology Eastern Convention”), organized by the European Federation of Orthopedics and Traumatology Associations (EFORT) and the Polish Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (PTOiTr) took place on 6-8 December, 2018, in Poznan, the Republic of Poland.

Read more: International conference «Orthopedics and traumatology, eastern convention»