Meeting Slovakia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary

The delegation of Slovakia headed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Joseh Migash paid a snap visit to Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University on March 30, 2016. The Rector of VSMU Professor A. T. Shchastniy, Vice-rector of Educational Work and International Affairs Professor N.Y. Konevalova, Vice-rector of Ideological Affairs O.A. Syrodoyeva and Head of Department on International Affairs M. M. Savchuk, Candidate of Medical Science, took part in the meeting with the Ambassador and his party. Foreign diplomats’ visit consisted in becoming acquainted with our university, to meet and discuss with university’s administration the opportunities of future straight scientific and academic cooperation. The Ambassador expressed his personal wish to promote the consolidation of friendly and business relationships between VSMU and medical universities in Slovakia.

Slovakia Slovakia2 Slovakia3

Meeting with the Ambassador of India

posol ind05On 16 November, 2017, a meeting of Indian students’ community with the Ambassador of India to the Republic of Belarus Mr. Pankaj Saksena was held. During this meeting, the issues of training of foreign citizens at VSMU and living conditions of Indian students were discussed. The problems voiced by the students were considered during the meeting of Mr. Pankaj Saksena with the VSMU administration. Plans and strategies of further cooperation between India and the Republic of Belarus in the field of science, medicine and education were also discussed.

Read more: Meeting with the Ambassador of India

Miss VSMU - 2016

IMG 3309Just incredible turned out the Sunday evening on October 30, which was perhaps the most graceful and elegant contest of the entire festival program - "Miss VSMU - 2016". The most gentle, bright, courageous and charming girls of our university gathered on one scene. This year not only the Belarusian students, but the girls from Sri Lanka and Nigeria claimed their rights for the "VSMU First Lady" title. Special boxes to vote for the "Audience Choice Award" have been installed in the lobby.

Read more: Miss VSMU - 2016

Mobile app for System of Distance Education VSMU

MoodleMobileWe remind that System of Distance Education (SDE) VGMU is integrated with the official mobile application Moodle Mobile for ОС Android (download) и iOS (download).

One of the main advantages of the application is the offline access to files, web pages and other resources of the electronic educational courses by  disciplines. The application can be used in addition to working in SDE from PC and mobile browsers.

Brief instructions for working with the application in Russian.

On possible issues with the application, please contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Have a nice work! 

Department of Distance Learning

Mr. VSMU-2016

previewThe lobby of the assembly hall was quite noisy and overcrowded last Saturday, the spectators began to occupy their seats one and a half hour before the "Mr. VSMU 2016" competition starts to support their favorite participant. And the contest was deserved to be seen. The most talented, charming and charismatic 12 students of our university competed for the "Mr. VSMU 2016" title. Young people had to come up with a number of fashion shows, to answer the tricky questions of hosts and to demonstrate their artistic performances.

Read more: Mr. VSMU-2016

National seminar with international participation "V school on infectology" (VSMU, May 28, 2018)

On May 28, 2018, the traditional fifth national seminar with international participation "V school on infectology" (hereinafter - the republican seminar) will take place in Vitebsk. The National seminar will be held at Frunze Ave., 27, educational establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University", the assembly hall (2nd floor of the main building).

Leading specialists in infectology, molecular genetics, biotechnology and laboratory diagnostics of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, as well as from Pakistan, Nepal, and USA will participate in the work of the republican seminar.

Read more: National seminar with international participation "V school on infectology" (VSMU, May 28, 2018)

New Year's greetings from the rector of the university

new year rector

Dear colleagues and university students!

I sincerely congratulate everyone on the most joyful and magical holidays - New Year and Merry Christmas!

The outgoing year 2023 was filled with our joint fruitful work, solving complex problems and achieving our goals. We have achieved a lot. I express my gratitude to each of you for your creative work, hard study, dedication to your chosen cause and contribution to the development of the university and our entire country.

New Year is a time of new beginnings, new opportunities and new achievements. It has been declared the Year of Quality in our country, which will require even more intense and highly professional work at all levels. I'm sure we can do it! May 2024 bring many breakthrough ideas, bright discoveries and unforgettable impressions!

I wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness and prosperity! Let love, peace and harmony reign in your families! Happy New Year!

Rector of the University A.N.Chukanov


Offline access to SDE files from PCs and laptops (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Moodle Desktop Dear students! In addition to the mobile application Moodle Mobile, we bring to your attention the Moodle Desktop application for stationary computers and laptops (Windows, Mac, Linux). We hope that this will give you even more convenient access to DLS offline data in the session period when you have to work with different devices, not always having access to the Internet.

Read more: Offline access to SDE files from PCs and laptops (Windows, Mac, Linux)