Opening of a New Hostel №8

obschezhitien6 05On February 16, a long-awaited event for all of us was held - a new 16-storey students’ hostel №8 was officially opened. This is a real gift for students and their parents, for our university and our city. 470 students of our university will find their new home in this large, beautiful, modern-equipped building. Honored guests were present at our holiday: Minister of Health of the Republic of Belarus Valery Malashko, Deputy Chairman of Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee Vladimir Penin, Chairman of Vitebsk City Executive Committee Viktor Nikolaykin, Head of the Health Department of Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee Yuriy Derkach, Chairman of Vitebsk Regional Organization of the Union of Health Care Workers Vladislav Muzhichenko, General Director of the company “Zhilstroy” Alexander Litvinov.

Read more: Opening of a New Hostel №8

Opening of the school "Into medical science from the first year"

opening schools 01

On 15/02/2024, the opening of the school “Into medical science from the first year” took place on the basis of the Vitebsk State Medical University.

The Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs Elena Asiryan addressed the students with a welcoming speech. The work of the school began with a lecture by the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ivan Zhiltsov. Participants became familiar with the main sources of biomedical information. Within the framework of this school, students will be able to learn about various scientific areas being developed both around the world and at VSMU, about options for achieving results in scientific activities, about ways to implement ideas and projects with the help of startup grants, funds, etc.

Read more: Opening of the school "Into medical science from the first year"

Our congratulations!

buketi cvetov 17The Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus has approved the dissertation of Vitebsk State Medical University’s staff:
Candidate’s thesis:

Balashenko Nadezhda Sergeevna – a senior lecturer of the №2 therapy Chair of the FAT and SR (scientific adviser: Prof. Podpalov V.P.);
Buyanova Svetlana Valerievna – a senior lecturer of the Chair of General and Clinical Biochemistry (scientific adviser: Doctor of Medical Science Osochuk S.S.);
Lebedeva Elena Ivanovna – a senior lecturer of the Chair of Histology, Cytology and Embryology (scientific adviser: Prof. Myadelets O.D.).

University administration, Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Department congratulate on the successful defense of dissertations and wish further scientific success!

Overseas Students Training Faculty’s Deputy Dean Appeal to Alumni

Dear alumni!

The years pass by, more and more experience you gain, more confident you find yourself in the profession you have chosen, higher and higher you climb the career ladder of success, and, no doubt, you recall with sadness and gratitude the university, the city of Vitebsk, and those people you spent 5 or 6 years together on Belarusian land.

In our thoughts, we also look back at the past, looking through old photos, remembering the most memorable moments, and we feel a great desire to know how the study at VSMU influenced your further life and professional activity, how your career developed, what goals you have already achieved and what plans you still pursue.

Read more: Overseas Students Training Faculty’s Deputy Dean Appeal to Alumni

Participation of VSMU international students in the conference in the VSAVM

vgavm05On April 20, 2018, III International Scientific and Practical Conference of foreign students and Master’s students “Foreign Students to Belarusian Science” was held in Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. 9 students of the Faculty of Overseas Students Training of VSMU participated in it. The students provided abstracts for publication in the electronic collection in advance. At the conference the students made presentations and very interesting reports in English. They presented reports in the following areas: social and humanities sciences and biological sciences. Students from Sri Lanka, Cote d'Ivoire and Kazakhstan: Sriganeshalingam Srishangna, Woleedh Amani, Udamuhandiram Kethmi Navodya, Mohamed Nazwan, Albert Joel, Xavier Chrijit Samjeevan, Raveendran Ume Gayathrie, Djohore Elvis Armone, Perepelitsa Valentina - received I, II and III degrees.

Read more: Participation of VSMU international students in the conference in the VSAVM

Peoples' friendship and strength – our cherished and sunshiny pathway

friendship evening 10On 14 November 2018, a festive atmosphere prevailed in the hall on the ground floor in front of 3 and 4 lecture halls of the medical-theoretical building of Vitebsk State Medical University. Here an unusual journey into the world of multiple cultures began.

Students in national costumes, sounds of ethnic musical instruments, unique objects, the smell of fragrance, laughter and countless selfies in exotic jewelry - all this filled the festival with special charm. It seemed that you could travel around the world within the same floor of your native university.

Read more: Peoples' friendship and strength – our cherished and sunshiny pathway

Postgraduate education in Poland

The Medical University of Bialystok (Poland) offers to participate in receiving scholarship in the project entitled "International Interdisciplinary PhD studies in Biomedical Research and Biostatistics.” The grant is awarded under Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action COFUND.

Call for applications will be open from 1 March to 31 May 2018. The expected duration of the project is 5 years: 2018-2023. All the details can be found on