As part of a cooperation agreement between the EE "VSMU" and HEE "SPCPA" of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation and the educational project "More than education," of the St. Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy as well as in connection with intensified integration between the member states of the Eurasian Economic Community the educational module was implemented by the specialists of Pfizer company «Technology & innovation of solid dosage forms" (webinar).from 17 to 21 October 2016.
The webinar took place in the conference hall of the morphological building of EE "Vitebsk State Medical University" within the period of 17-21 October 2016. Specialists of distance learning department, department of technical training and the department of information technology and equipment were involved to provide technical support. The webinar was attended by 4-5 year students of the Pharmaceutical Faculty, lecturers of chairs of industrial technology with the ATF&SR course, pharmacy technology, organization and economy of pharmacy with the ATF&SR course, standardization of dosage forms with the ATF&SR course, analytical and toxicological chemistry, military training and emergency medicine.
Webinar topic of lectures was related to the technology of solid dosage forms: dry granulation, tablets coating, critical points of the process, etc.
Properties of the tablets, the parameters used to determine the quality of tablets and their characteristics were discussed during the webinar; examples of possible technical problems of granulation and ways to solve them were considered. The groups of auxiliary substances used in coating the tablets were discussed as well.
A separate interactive lecture was devoted to pharmacovigilance in the pharmaceutical industry.
Overall, the webinar promoted the professional development of students and academic staff.
Deputy Dean of Pharmaceutical Faculty Serak E.A.