Event “Winter Knowledge Marathon”

Winter Knowledge MarathonFrom January 29 to February 2, 2024, within the framework of a cooperation agreement between VSMU, the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 16 of Polotsk” and the State Institution “Polotsk Central City Hospital”, the event “Winter Marathon of Knowledge” was held for students of 10-11 chemical and biological classes. Schoolchildren completed original test tasks in the subjects “Biology” and “Chemistry”, prepared by teachers of the departments of biology and chemistry of the VSMU Faculty of Education, followed by online consultation.

Thanks to participation in the event, students of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 16 of Polotsk” were able to expand their knowledge in the subjects “Biology” and “Chemistry”.

Congratulations on the Day of Belarusian Science from the Rector of the University

Den bel naukiDear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of Belarusian Science!

We live in a progressive world that is developing at a tremendous pace. This growth and development is the product of science, numerous studies and experiments. At all times, science is the main driving force of scientific and technological progress, the most important component of national wealth, a powerful resource for the development of the economy, medicine, education, and the entire social sphere.

The history of science is closely connected with the history of university education, which has the immediate task of not just transferring a system of knowledge, but also preparing people capable of intellectual work and professional scientific activity. Our work, colleagues, sets high standards for national education and opens up additional opportunities for practical healthcare.

Thanks to you, VSMU today is an innovation-oriented university, one of the leaders in the Republic of Belarus in multi-level training of competitive and in-demand healthcare and pharmacy specialists. And today continues to pose us not only new fundamental research tasks, but also dictates the need for close integration of science, education and the real sector of the economy.

I wish our team the successful implementation of new promising projects, discoveries, inventions and inexhaustible creative energy, fruitful activities for the benefit of our Motherland. Good health, high scientific results, well-deserved awards!

Rector of the University A.N. Chukanov

Congratulations on being awarded an academic title!

buket pozdravlenie.jpgBased on the results of the examination at the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission, on January 24, 2024, the head of the Chair of Medical Rehabilitation with the course of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining., Doctor of Medical Sciences Tatiana Leonidovna OLENSKAYA, was awarded the academic title of Professor in the specialty “Medicine”.

The Rectorat and the Scientific Department congratulate on conferring an academic
title and wish you further creative success!

Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council dedicated to the Day of Belarusian Science

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On January 26, VSMU hosted a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council dedicated to the Day of Belarusian Science.
In a solemn ceremony, Rector of the University, Alexey Chukanov, presented certificates to the winners of the intra-university competition for a scientific startup grant for young scientists and a scientific startup grant for students for 2024. Certificate holders were young scientists Yulia Ladik, Angelina Kuzmenkova, Anna Goncharova, as well as students Pyotr Bliznev, Pavel Egorov, Dmitry Mychko, Ekaterina Rokalova.Anzhelika Generalova and Marat Konorev were awarded diplomas from the educational establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” for fruitful work, high professionalism, and significant personal contribution to the development of scientific, practical and innovative activities.

Read more: Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council dedicated to the Day of Belarusian Science

79th scientific session “Achievements of fundamental, clinical medicine and pharmacy”

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On January 25, a plenary meeting of the 79th scientific session of the university at the educational establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” was held.

Vice-Rector of Scientific Work Elena Asiryan delivered a welcoming speech and congratulations on the Day of Belarusian Science and the 105th anniversary of healthcare of the Republic of Belarus.

Read more: 79th scientific session “Achievements of fundamental, clinical medicine and pharmacy”