Annual intra-university competition “BEST SCIENTISTS OF THE YEAR”

In accordance with the order of the rector dated January 12, 2024 No. 3- НИР, the “Best Scientists of the Year” competition was announced. The competition is held in three categories: “Scientist of the Year”, “Young Scientist of the Year”, “Best Inventor and Innovator of the Year”. To participate in the Competition, you must fill out an application using the form attached to the Competition Regulations.

Applications will be accepted until January 19, 2024.

Read more: Annual intra-university competition “BEST SCIENTISTS OF THE YEAR”

Open Day at VSMU

day otkr dverey 01On January 13, 2024, an Open Day was held at the educational establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University”. At the event, applicants were introduced to the university, the rules for the final stage of university Olympiads and the procedure for enrolling winners, the rules for admission to VSMU in 2024, competitions and passing scores for the university in 2023, and the features of preparing for entrance examinations in the subjects of entrance examinations - chemistry and biology. About 150 people took part in the event.

Read more: Open Day at VSMU

Reporting and election conference of the VSMU student council

otch vyb konf 01On January 12, 2024, a reporting and election conference of the VSMU student council took place in the conference hall of the main academic building.

During the event, the VSMU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Natalya Konevalova presented gratitude to students who showed active participation in the public life of the university at the end of 2023. A report on the activities of the VSMU student council based on the results of 2023 was presented by the chairman of the student council, Maxim Budnitsky.

Read more: Reporting and election conference of the VSMU student council

Meeting with the employees of the Investigative Committee Office of the Republic of Belarus in the Vitebsk region on the topic “Combating cybercrime: how to prevent the black web from taking over consciousness and property”

kiberprestupnost 01On January 12, 2024, at VSMU, within the framework of the Council of the Faculty of Medicine, a meeting was held with employees of the Office of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus for the Vitebsk Region on the topic “Combating cybercrime: how to

Read more: Meeting with the employees of the Investigative Committee Office of the Republic of Belarus in the...