International publishing house Wiley

подписка wiley

Dear staff and students!

VSMU has access to an extensive collection of more than 380 Wiley journals on medicine, nursing and health care. Wiley International Publishing House is one of the largest academic publishers that publishes more than 1,700 journals, 23,000 scientific books, 250 encyclopedias in all thematic areas of modern science, as well as databases on medicine and chemistry.

The list of journals in the subscription with impact factors is available here.

Read more: International publishing house Wiley


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On December 4, 2021, The Center for National Cultures and the Fashion Theater “Kostyumer” held a master class on making a Krupenichka talisman doll in the concert hall “Vitebsk”.

Krupenichka is a doll that brings prosperity and well-being to the house, creating warmth and comfort in it. These dolls were made in their own way in each family, investing all the love and accumulated centuries-old wisdom. They bore the imprint of the spirit of this family, their understanding and perception of the world. 

Krupenichka was considered to be the main doll in the family. Our ancestors richly dressed it up and carefully kept it for a year in the most prominent place in the house.

Thanks to this event, foreign students were able to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of our country. 


VSMU Students Took Part in the Work of the 4th International Student Environmental Congress StEC-2021

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VSMU students being members of the student scientific circle of the Chair of General, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, Hassan Nazimul and Eva Farzana Akther, took part in the 4th International Student Environmental Congress StEC-2021, which was held on November 26-27, 2021. The congress was organized by the Faculty of Chemistry, the Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University, the Educational Scientific and Production Republican Unitary Enterprise “UNITEHPROM BSU”, the Research and Production Republican Unitary Enterprise “Unidragmet BSU”, as well as the team of the student project “Shadow day BSU”. 

Read more: VSMU Students Took Part in the Work of the 4th International Student Environmental Congress...

Competition between faculties of VSMU


On November 16, 2021, as part of the event program dedicated to the International Students' Day, there was a competition between faculties of VSMU taken place in the sports hall of the university. According to the results of the competition, the places among the teams were distributed as follows: the 1st place was taken by the team of the Stomatological Faculty, the 2nd place was taken by the team of the General Medicine Faculty, the 3rd one was taken by the team of the Pharmaceutical Faculty, the 4th one was taken by the team of the Overseas Students Training Faculty, and the 5th one was taken by the team of the Pediatrics Faculty. The teams were awarded medals, certificates, and cakes. In addition to it, the winning team got the cup. Sweet prizes were provided by the Students' Trade Union Committee of VSMU.

Competition of Young Pop Song Performers “Melofon-2021”

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On November 16, 2021, nine vocalists took part in a competition of young pop song performers “Melofon-2021” being held at VSMU. Each of the participants performed two songs. The performances were evaluated by a professional jury. The winners were announced during the summing up event program dedicated to the International Students' Day, and were awarded diplomas and cups of laureates of the competition. The first place was taken by Randeniya Devin, the second place was taken by Alina Galchenya, and the third place was taken by Anastasia Sushkova. The Grand Prix of the competition was awarded to Olga Alekseenko. According to the results of online voting, Randeniya Devin became the owner of the Audience Choice Award of the contest of young pop song performers “Melofon-2021”. 

Read more: Competition of Young Pop Song Performers “Melofon-2021”