Extended international meeting of student scientific circles

international meeting 01On December 14, 2023, an extended international meeting of student scientific circles took place in an online format, in which Vitebsk State Medical University (Department of Therapeutic Dentistry with a course of FAT and PR); Belarusian State Medical University (Department of Conservative Dentistry); Medical Academy of Simferopol (the department of therapeutic dentistry) took part .

Read more: Extended international meeting of student scientific circles

Members of the Council of VSMU Young Scientists took part in the educational event School of Young Scientists

young scientist school 01On December 13-15, 2023, the School of Young Scientists was held at the Belarusian State University. The main goals of the educational event are to develop interest in science among young people and provide expert support in promoting research.

At the grand opening, the First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Bakhanovich delivered a welcoming speech. Over the course of three days, participants were taught public speaking skills, media literacy, etc. The platform brought together more than a hundred undergraduates, graduate students and young scientists from Belarusian universities. Vitebsk State Medical University was represented at the seminar by members of the Council of Young Scientists: the Associate Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry with the course of FAT and PR Anna Goncharova and Associate Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology with the course of FAT and PR Victoria Zemko.

Read more: Members of the Council of VSMU Young Scientists took part in the educational event School of Young...

III International online conference of young scientists “Pharmacy. Challenges of the time"

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On December 14, 2023, the III International Online Conference of Young Scientists “Pharmacy. Challenges of the time”, organized by VSMU and Sechenov University.

The First Vice-Rector of VSMU A.N. Shchupakova and professor of the Department of Economic Physics of Sechenov University G.T. Glembotskaya addressed the conference participants with greetings. The speakers noted the importance of joint scientific events and the positive experience of previous conferences.

Read more: III International online conference of young scientists “Pharmacy. Challenges of the time"

Lecture-conference “105 years since the creation of the BSSR: a look from the past to the future”

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On December 14, 2023, VSMU hosted a lecture-conference “105th anniversary of the creation of the BSSR: a look from the past to the future,” dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the formation of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic.

The conference was attended by the 1st year students of the Faculty of Medicine of VSMU, the Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Faculty of Dentistry Alesya Vinnikova, and the employees of the Department of Educational Work with Youth.

Read more: Lecture-conference “105 years since the creation of the BSSR: a look from the past to the future”

The round table “Young doctor through the eyes of a student and the head of a healthcare organization” was held at VSMU

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On December 13, 2023, at VSMU, the Department of Public Health and Healthcare with the course of FAT and PR at the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel held the event “Round table “Young doctor through the eyes of a student and the head of a healthcare organization,” in which the final year students of the medical and dental faculties, the University employees, the chief doctors and deputy chief doctors of healthcare organizations in the Vitebsk and Mogilev regions.

Read more: The round table “Young doctor through the eyes of a student and the head of a healthcare...