The delegation of VSMU took part in the inter-university stage of the competition "100 ideas for Belarus"
On December 13, 2023, the delegation of Vitebsk State Medical University took part in the inter-university stage of the “100 ideas for Belarus” competition. VSMU students Elizaveta Ivanova, Karolina Grigorieva and Vyacheslav Afanasyev presented 4 projects. All projects were highly appreciated and advanced to the next stage of the competition. The vice-Rector for Scientific Work of VSMU Elena Asiryan and the Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists Vyacheslav Prishchepenko became the members of the competition commission for the regional stage. In addition, as part of the competition, an exhibition of the achievements of young scientists from higher educational institutions in the Vitebsk region was organized. VSMU was represented by the student competitors and member of the Council of Young Scientists Yuri Pavlov.