The delegation of VSMU took part in the inter-university stage of the competition "100 ideas for Belarus"

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On December 13, 2023, the delegation of Vitebsk State Medical University took part in the inter-university stage of the “100 ideas for Belarus” competition. VSMU students Elizaveta Ivanova, Karolina Grigorieva and Vyacheslav Afanasyev presented 4 projects. All projects were highly appreciated and advanced to the next stage of the competition. The vice-Rector for Scientific Work of VSMU Elena Asiryan and the Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists Vyacheslav Prishchepenko became the members of the competition commission for the regional stage. In addition, as part of the competition, an exhibition of the achievements of young scientists from higher educational institutions in the Vitebsk region was organized. VSMU was represented by the student competitors and member of the Council of Young Scientists Yuri Pavlov.

Read more: The delegation of VSMU took part in the inter-university stage of the competition "100 ideas for...

Dialogue platform “Electoral system of the Republic of Belarus. Single voting day"

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On December 13, 2023, VSMU hosted a dialogue platform “Electoral system of the Republic of Belarus. Single voting day" with first-year students of the Faculty of Medicine.

The event was organized by the Department of Educational Work with Youth of VSMU, the deputy deans, and the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Read more: Dialogue platform “Electoral system of the Republic of Belarus. Single voting day"

Concert-competition of a military-patriotic song dedicated to the 2nd anniversary of the formation of the military-patriotic Club of VSMU “Serving the Fatherland”

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A concert-competition of military-patriotic songs, dedicated to the 2nd anniversary of the formation of the military-patriotic Club of VSMU “Serving the Fatherland,” took place on December 11, 2023, at VSMU.

19 contestants, vocal and instrumental groups performed compositions of varying content on stage, trying to convey emotions to the audience.

Read more: Concert-competition of a military-patriotic song dedicated to the 2nd anniversary of the formation...

Online lecture “Children’s Bronchial asthma”

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Within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between Vitebsk State Medical University and Orenburg State Medical University, on December 12, 2023, on the basis of the pediatric faculty, the professor of the department of pediatric diseases of Orenburg State Medical University Alemanova G.D. has given the online lecture “Bronchial asthma in children”. Galina Dmitrievna highlighted the main etiopathogenetic factors in the development of bronchial asthma, features of the clinical picture in children and modern treatment options.

Read more: Online lecture “Children’s Bronchial asthma”

VSMU team at the International Morphology Olympiad

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Vitebsk State Medical University at the International Olympiad in Morphology among the 2nd year students, held on December 7-8, 2023, at the Novosibirsk State Medical University, was represented by the team “plexus.brachialis.sinister” (consisting of Sergey Yupatov, Kristina Chicherova, Angelina Grits, Artem Kovalenka, Kukuruzyak Daria, Kochetygina Alexey) led by the VSMU Associate Professor of the Department of Human Anatomy - Petko Irina. The team adequately completed the tasks of the Olympiad, taking 5th place (the 2nd degree diploma).

Read more: VSMU team at the International Morphology Olympiad