Awarding of the best scholarship holders of the sectoral trade union took place in Minsk

nagrajdenie stipendiantov 02On November 16, 2023, the Republican Palace of Culture of Trade Unions hosted a solemn celebration of scholarship holders of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers. Vyacheslav Shylo, Chairman of the Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers, presented the scholarship certificates to the twenty best future doctors, noting that the trade union will always support and encourage active and purposeful students.

Read more: Awarding of the best scholarship holders of the sectoral trade union took place in Minsk

Meeting of the deputy head of the department of the prosecutor's office of the Vitebsk region for supervision over the implementation of legislation in the troops, Igor Metelitsa, with students of the medical faculty of VSMU

vstrecha prok 02On November 15, 2023, at VSMU, a meeting was held between the deputy head of the department of the prosecutor’s office of the Vitebsk region for supervision over the implementation of legislation in the troops, Igor Metelitsa, with the 1st year students of the Faculty of Medicine. The topic of the meeting was to inform students about the progress and results of the investigation into the criminal case of the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War.

Read more: Meeting of the deputy head of the department of the prosecutor's office of the Vitebsk region for...

A quest dedicated to International Student Day, the Year of Peace and Creation was held at VSMU

nauchnye chteniya 02On the eve of International Student Day, which is celebrated all over the world on November 17, the trade union committee of students of Vitebsk State Medical University organized an exciting quest for students of our university. Two teams took part in the quest, each consisting of 5 students from different courses and faculties. Students competed in their ability to solve puzzles, answer tricky quiz questions, inflate balloons at speed and play mini-bowling.

Read more: A quest dedicated to International Student Day, the Year of Peace and Creation was held at VSMU