VSMU students and staff joined the city cleanup day

subbotnik 01On March 30, 2024, the students, employees, trade union activists, and veterans of Vitebsk State Medical University took part in a city cleanup day.

Many volunteered to help restore order and cleanliness. In just a few hours of work, participants in the environmental action beautified the territory of the university, dormitories, as well as the territory adjacent to the university from Gapeev Stream to the Letniy Amphitheater.

Read more: VSMU students and staff joined the city cleanup day

The Republican educational project “Start the Heart” brought together high school students from the city of Vitebsk at VSMU

zapusti serdceOn March 30, 2024, the joint project of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health “Start the Heart” continued at the training center for practical training and simulation training at VSMU.

In total, more than a hundred 10th grade students in Vitebsk managed to take part in the event.

The center’s specialists, led by the Head Viktor Rednenko trained the students in basic first aid skills for conditions that pose a threat to human life and/or health, including the algorithm for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Participation in the project is accompanied by positive reviews among high school students, because mastery of first aid skills in many cases allows you to save people’s lives and health.

Event “Become a VSMU student for one day”

stany studentom 01From March 25 to 29, 2024, the Vitebsk State Medical University hosted the event “Become a VSMU student for one day” for students in grades 10 and 11.

More than 50 students from Vitebsk and the Vitebsk region were invited to enroll in one of the faculties of our university. Participants of the event, together with current VSMU students, visited lectures, practical classes, a canteen, a medical library, and a campus.

Read more: Event “Become a VSMU student for one day”

An astronomical adventure from the primary trade union of VSMU

astronom 01On March 29, 2024, more than 50 children of the employees of Vitebsk State Medical University together with their parents took part in an educational excursion to the astronomical center of Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov, organized by the primary trade union organization of the VSMU employees.

The planetarium, observatory, and classroom of the center cordially opened their doors, and visitors were greeted by the legendary man of the city of Vitebsk, the outstanding Belarusian astronomer and teacher Vladimir Golubev, who told the children about the structure of the solar system and the formation of cosmic bodies. Vladimir Golubev paid special attention to the model of the only natural satellite of the Earth - the Moon, on which it was possible to examine its surface in all details.

Read more: An astronomical adventure from the primary trade union of VSMU

The official emblem of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders has been approved

emblema osvobojdeniyaIn 2024, the anniversary of a great event for our people is approaching - 80 years since the complete liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

September 23, 1943 is a day that will forever go down in the history of Belarus as the beginning of the liberation of our country from fascist occupation. It started from the regional center of Komarin. Subsequently, with a victorious march, the soldiers of the Red Army marched across the territory of Belarus with a mission of liberation as part of the offensive operation “Bagration”. During the Operation Bagration, the Soviet army inflicted the largest defeat on the German army in the entire military history of Germany, defeating the Wehrmacht's Army Group Center.