Photo exhibition “In the Timeline”

In 2024, VSMU celebrates its 90th anniversary. In connection with this significant event, the Belarusian Women's Union of our university is organizing a photo exhibition “In the Timeline”. A collage with photographs from the past and photographs of the present will be presented.

We invite those who wish to take part in the implementation of this project. Those interested, please contact the Head of the department of international and interregional relations, chairman of the PA "BWU" Sharykhina E.V.

Excursion trip Mir-Nesvizh

Mir NesvijOn March 23, 2024, as part of the implementation of the excursion tours project  to familiarize VSMU students with the historical and cultural sights of the Republic of Belarus “I love Radzima, call Belarus a happy one,” an excursion was organized to the museum “Castle complex “Mir” and the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve Nesvizh, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In the city of Nesvizh, the excursion participants paid tribute to the memory of the victims of fascism, and also laid a wreath and flowers at the mass grave of Soviet soldiers and partisans in the park of Nesvizh Castle.

Read more: Excursion trip Mir-Nesvizh

“St. Petersburg meetings” in the Republic of Belarus

peter vstrechi 01On March 25, 2024, as part of the “St. Petersburg Meetings” in the Republic of Belarus, a visit of a delegation from St. Petersburg to Vitebsk State Medical University took place.

During the visit, the delegates got acquainted with the history of VSMU, the material and technical base, the organization of the educational process, and a round table was organized “Exchange of experience in the field of healthcare as a necessary condition for improving the quality and accessibility of primary health care for the population; forecasting labor resources in the health care system in conditions of personnel shortages.”

Read more: “St. Petersburg meetings” in the Republic of Belarus

Vitebsk State Medical University is a venue for the XI Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia

forum visit 01On March 26, 2024, a working visit of the delegation from the Office of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, headed by the First Deputy Chief of Staff V.V. Semikin, took place at VSMU.

The visit was held in order to study organizational issues related to the preparation and holding of the XI Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia.

Read more: Vitebsk State Medical University is a venue for the XI Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia