76th scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “Current issues of modern medicine and pharmacy” (April 25-26, 2024)

On April 25-26, 2024, the 76th scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “Current issues of modern medicine and pharmacy” will be held at Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University.

Read more: 76th scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “Current issues of...

A Noble Mission

previewIn accordance with the Global Strategy for Action to achieve one hundred percent voluntary blood donation that was developed jointly by the World Health Organization and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the Ministry of Education in cooperation with the Republican Scientific and Practical Centre of Transfusion and Medical Biotechnology constantly raises awareness about free voluntary blood donation among students and teachers of higher education institutions. As a result, this year, 385 of our students have become unpaid donors by doing this noble and honorable mission for every not indifferent person.

Read more: A Noble Mission

About “Zero Injury Week”

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From June 24 to June 28, 2024, the university is holding a “Zero Injury Week” on the topic: “Prevention of violations of labor protection requirements in engineering and technical departments and business services of the organization.”

In the administrative and economic part, the largest number of works with increased danger are performed (work at height, with equipment operating under excess pressure, hot work, loading and unloading work, etc.).

Read more: About “Zero Injury Week”

About the «Week of Vision Zero»

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From September 25 to September 29, 2023 at the university the «Week of Vision Zero» is held.

The purpose of the «Week of Vision Zero» is to ensure the safety and health of workers at the workplace, prevent cases of industrial injuries at the university, aimed at rapid detection of violations of labour protection standards and development and application of measures to eliminate them.

Read more: About the «Week of Vision Zero»

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India pays visit to Vitebsk State Medical University

Indian Ambassador 121On 16 May 2019, Indian Ambassador, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of India to the Republic of Belarus, Mrs. Sanghita Bahadur, paid a visit to VSMU.

During this visit, Ms. Ambassador got acquainted with arrangement and material and technical facilities of our university, the organization of educational process in the departments of human anatomy and clinical microbiology, visited the anatomical museum.

Read more: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India pays visit to Vitebsk State Medical University

Announcement of nomination of an applicant for an academic title

On October 18, 2023 at 14.00 in the conference hall of the main academic building at a meeting of the University Council, an associate professor of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology Ph.D. Bizunkova A.B. will be nominated for the academic title of associate professor in the specialty “Medicine”.

Announcement of nomination of an applicant for an academic title

On February 12, 2024 at 14.00 in the conference hall of the main academic building at a meeting of the University Council there will be a presentation by the associate professor of the branch of the departments of anesthesiology and resuscitation with the course of FAT and PR and hospital surgery with the course of FAT and PR, Ph.D. Lipnitsky A.L. to the academic rank of associate professor in the specialty “Medicine”.