Dialogue between the rectors of Chinese and Belarusian universities and the ceremony of signing an agreement on the establishment of twinning relations between Guizhou Province and Vitebsk region

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On August 25, 2021, an online dialogue between the rectors of Chinese and Belarusian universities and a ceremony of signing an Agreement on the establishment of twinning relations between Guizhou Province and Vitebsk region was held. The event was attended by the rector of VSMU, Professor A.T. Shchastniy, as well as Vice-Rector of International Affairs and Work with Foreign Citizens, Associate Professor M.M. Savchuk.

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On May 6-7, 2021, a Republican conference with international participation "Innovative technologies for diagnosis and treatment of allergies and immunopathology" was held.

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Vice-rector for scientific work Sushkov S.A. opened the meeting with a welcoming speech. 

The online conference was attended by leading scientists, allergists and immunologists of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Austria, Spain (World Allergy Organization - WAO), USA. After each report, the speakers answered the questions of the presidium and those present, a great interest was shown in the discussion on the part of practical health care specialists.

Read more: On May 6-7, 2021, a Republican conference with international participation "Innovative...

Republican student scientific-journalistic conference "Heroism in the name of the future: dedicated to high humanism, courage and self-sacrifice of doctors"

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 On May 5, on the basis of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War, a republican student scientific-journalistic conference "Heroism for the future: dedicated to high humanism, courage and self-sacrifice of doctors" was held, participated by the students of our university. Bubnova Valeria Sergeevna, a 2nd year student, made a report on the topic “The history of the Great Patriotic War in the history of my family. Hero of the Soviet Union Boris Ivanovich Kovzan ”. As a result of the conference, all participants received certificates and souvenirs. After the official part, an excursion to the Museum of the Great Patriotic War was held for the conference participants.

Read more: Republican student scientific-journalistic conference "Heroism in the name of the future:...

Setting up a VSMU-based Technology and Innovation Support Center

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On April 20, 2021, in the conference hall of the morphological building of VSMU, a republican seminar was held on organizing the work of Technology and Innovation Support Centers and topical issues of protection and management of intellectual property rights, organized jointly with specialists from the National Center for Intellectual Property and the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic Belarus.

Read more: Setting up a VSMU-based Technology and Innovation Support Center

VSMU students took part in the VI International scientific and practical conference of foreign students and undergraduates "Foreign students - to Belarusian science"

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Foreign students of VSMU took an active part in the VI International scientific and practical conference of foreign students and undergraduates "Foreign students - to Belarusian science", hosted by the educational establishment "Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine" and received worthy awards.

Read more: VSMU students took part in the VI International scientific and practical conference of foreign...