Patriotic action “We are all one” on National Unity Day


On September 17, the VSMU delegation led by Vice-Rector of Educational Work Natalia Boltrushevich took part in the patriotic event “We are all one,” dedicated to National Unity Day, which was held on the territory of the sports complex of Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov.

VSMU at the exhibition “Day of Scientific Youth”

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On September 16, the delegation of Vitebsk State Medical University, headed by Vice-Rector of Scientific Work Elena Asiryan, took part in the exhibition “Day of Scientific Youth” in Novopolotsk. VSMU presented the latest scientific achievements. Schoolchildren were able to practice the skills of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and dental care. Our university was awarded a certificate of participation in the exhibition.

Read more: VSMU at the exhibition “Day of Scientific Youth”

Bicycle tour of students and employees of VSMU dedicated to National Unity Day

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On September 15, the traditional bicycle tour of students and employees of the University dedicated to National Unity Day was launched in the VSMU square. The cyclists rode along the route Vitebsk – touristic complex “Losvido” - railway station “Dolzha” with the length of about 75 km, along the way visiting the places of war memorials and burials of Soviet soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War.

Read more: Bicycle tour of students and employees of VSMU dedicated to National Unity Day

Republican tourism project “Famous People of the Land of Belarus”

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Within the framework of the Republican tourist project about compatriots who contributed to the development and formation of the Belarusian statehood “Famous People of the Land of Belarus”, the student council of VSMU developed a tourist route dedicated to the activities of the Honored Scientist of Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Honorary Academician of Belarussian Association of Medical Sciences, Honorary Citizen of Vitebsk, Man of the Year of Vitebsk region, Rector of VSMU (1979-1996), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Grigorievich Sachek.

Read more: Republican tourism project “Famous People of the Land of Belarus”

Meeting of the Rector with a VSMI Graduate of 1987

Meeting from 1987 01On September 13, 2023, Rector of the University Alexey Chukanov and Vice-Rector of International Affairs and Organizational and Legal Work Denis Lits met with Neptali Sancho, a 1987 graduate of Vitebsk State Medical Institute from Ecuador. Neptali worked in his country's healthcare system for 36 years and gladly took the opportunity to revisit his alma mater, meet with the university leadership and professors who once taught him.

Read more: Meeting of the Rector with a VSMI Graduate of 1987