Meeting of student trade union activists with first-year union leaders

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Every year the Students Trade Union committee of Vitebsk State Medical University pays a lot of attention to getting acquainted with freshmen and attracting them to active public life. This academic year was no exception. On September 19, a general meeting of the 1st year trade unionists was held with the chairman of the students’ trade union committee, Alexander Myasoedov, and the chairmen of the committees of the VSMU students’ trade union committee.

First of all, Alexander Mikhailovich introduced the first-year students to the structure of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, told in detail about the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers, and also emphasized the essence and main directions of work of the primary trade union organization of VSMU students.

Read more: Meeting of student trade union activists with first-year union leaders

I Meeting of university rectors of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Cuba

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On September 19, 2023, the rector of the Educational Establishment  “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” Alexey Chukanov and the representatives of the rector’s office took part in the I Meeting of university rectors of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Cuba, which was held at Belarussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics in Minsk. At the meeting, directions for the development of international cooperation between Belarus and Cuba in the field of education were discussed.

Read more: I Meeting of university rectors of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Cuba

Doing good is easy!

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The charitable action on collecting diapers for the health care institution “Vitebsk Regional Specialized Children's Home” was completed in which employees, students, volunteers of VSMU, representatives of the primary organization of the Public Organization “Belarussian Women Unity” of VSMU took part. On September 19, the collected hygiene products were transferred to the Regional Center of Palliative Medical Care, operating on the basis of the Vitebsk Regional Specialized Children's Home. The work of the center is aimed at helping children with disabilities, their treatment, rehabilitation, development and social adaptation.

Read more: Doing good is easy!

“Quickstep” at the opening of the international dance sport tournament “Golden Lynx” in Gomel

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The ensemble “Quickstep” took part in the concert program dedicated to the opening of the international dance sport tournament “Golden Lynx”, which was held on September 15-17 at the sports complex “Lokomotiv”. The right to open the dance tournament was granted to the mayor of Gomel, Vladimir Privalov.

Read more: “Quickstep” at the opening of the international dance sport tournament “Golden Lynx” in Gomel