For four years already, students of VSMU take part in the Forums of active rehabilitation conducted by the Republican Association of Wheelchair Users (RAIK). Students work as medical assistants, as well as participate in RAIK activities off forums.
This year, for the first time, an internship for the best RAIK assistants was organized by the leading Swedish specialist for spinal cord injuries Katarzyna Trok. Three students of VSMU were lucky to get into the first group of assistants for learning: Svetlana Nadzhafova (6th year, Medical Faculty), Kristina Volodko (4th year, Pharmaceutical Faculty) and Sergei Gorbylev (3rd year, Medical Faculty).
The internship took place from May 21 to May 28 in Stockholm in the neuro-center of the Karolinska hospital. This center is the leading one in Sweden to help patients with spinal cord injury. A doctor's work with patients, consultations, medical conferences - we saw all of this "from the inside", completely immersed in the life of the hospital during the internship. A visit to Rehab Station Stockholm (RSS), Stockholm's largest rehab center, and the Spinalis clinic that belongs to it was in the training program as well. Then we visited a unique interactive exhibition of rehabilitation tools, where leading manufacturers present their products. And these tools could not only be seen, but also tested!
Everywhere we were greeted very warmly, told in detail about their work, answered all our questions, so we obtained unique knowledge and experience.
We are grateful to the rector Anatoliy Tadeushevich Shchastniy for the assistance and support rendered!
Svetlana Nadzhafova, the 6th year student of Medical Faculty