Regarding the work of the international pharmaceutical innovation camp "FILIN - 2016"

filin6It has been the fourth year when fifth-year students take part in an international pharmaceutical innovation camp "FILIN", which took place in Yaroslavl from 23 to 30 September 2016. 30 students from profession-oriented universities of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan gathered together to participate in this international forum. The representatives of VSMU were fifth-year students of Pharmaceutical Faculty Chabotko A.S. and Korobeiko M.S.

Throughout the week, we attended more than 30 seminars and master-classes of leading experts of the pharmaceutical industry and visited the production facilities of Yaroslavl pharmaceutical cluster residents - "R-Pharm" and "Teva" companies. Along with these companies, the program was attended by experts from Petrovax, Vialek and the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers. The program also included training seminars relating to topical issues of handling the medicinal products, starting from development up to registration and sales according to the EAEU conditions. Lectures on marketing, appropriate laboratory practice, the analysis of the pharmaceutical market, pharmacovigilance and clinical researches were held within the AIPM framework.


This project provides possibilities not only to expand one’s knowledge in the framework of a future profession, but also to determine the specific field of the pharmaceutical industry. It would be nice to underline the highest level of arrangement of "FILIN"camp, which allowed us to acquire the maximum useful information in a short time! "FILIN" means not only new horizons for the profession, but also meet interesting people!

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Fifth-year students of Pharmaceutical Faculty Korobeiko Maria and Chabotko Anastasia