I came from Lebanon in 2011, where I graduated from a secondary school and studied two years at the Biological Faculty. But I wanted to become a doctor, and decided to enter a medical university. I chose VSMU knowingly because here at the university a good training base has been created and the educational process for training of foreign citizens has been competently arranged. At first, I had certain difficulties: I did not know the Russian language, and I had no any acquaintances in Belarus. All what I learned about Vitebsk by that time was that it was a cultural capital of Belarus, where the International Festival of Arts Slavianski Bazaar was held annually. In addition to my studies, I'm fond of music, hunting, fishing, doing active sports, which helped me to find many friends and to learn Russian well. I took active part in various social events: in promoting healthy lifestyles, helping to organize social projects. Being the chairman of the Lebanese students’ community, I actively asserted the rights and interests of my fellow countrymen. Demanding, first of all, a lot from myself, then I was severe on everyone individually.
I wish all students health, happiness, luck and patience. Otherwise, you will never achieve the desired result, because patience is the ability to pursue and persevere towards your dream. Patience and once again patience to all first-year students. Study is the hardest work, and patience here is the chief assistant. Learn to be friends. Friendship and friends is a reliable support in everything, especially when you are far away from your homeland. After all, having friends near you, a foreign country can become a second homeland!
Boolad Mohamad, graduate of Overseas Students Training Faculty