Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Maryna Kryshtopava

KrishtopovaMA engHead of otorhinolaryngology department

Speciality: Otorhinolaryngologist, Surgical oncologist                                                          

Title: M.D., Ph.D, Candidate of Medical Sciences                                                                  

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +375 (212) 57-40-01.

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Vitebsk State Medical University, Frunze Str., 27 210000 Belarus

Vitebsk Clinics Emergency Hospital, Belarus,

Frunze Str., 71 210000 Belarus

Member of Belgian Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Society (VA-NKO)     

Member of European Laryngeal Society


From September 2020 is a Head of Otorhinolaryngology Department at Vitebsk State Medical University

From October 2017 to August 2020 worked as an associate professor in otorhinolaryngology at Vitebsk State Medical University in Belarus.

Her comparative advantage is in bringing together extensive practical experience as an ENT surgeon and the cutting edge research at otorhinolaryngology.

In 2017, I have obtained Ph.D. in Medicine at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at Ghent University (public defense the 10th of October 2017). PhD has been conducted a prestigious Erasmus Mundus WEBB Fellowship from the European Union of which I am the only recipient in medicine. I was studying under prominent professors of otorhinolaryngology and speech therapy. Sofie Claeys who is a Professor in Laryngology and the Head of Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology was my main tutor for research work. Professor Kristiane Van Lierde who is the Head of the Master Program of Logopedic and Audiological Sciences University Gent, Speech, Language Pathologist. My Ph.D. thesis is at the frontier of the otorhinolaryngology as it essentially bridges the gap between neuroscience/brain studies and the classic ENT issues. This research resulted in a number of published and under review papers in the leading international field journals and international conferences and holds promise for potentially significant improvements in the quality of patient care on the studied issue.

From 2016 until 2017 I have worked as a study physician acting as an investigator in clinical trials at the Upper Airways Research Laboratory (URL) Clinical trial center at the University Hospital Gent at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology (head: Professor Claus Bachert).

I combine this experience with the classical Russian school ENT training that I received while getting my Specialist Training and Candidate of Sciences in Medicine degree in Belarus. In my Candidate of Medical Sciences thesis, I have developed a polymer implant and method for rhinoplasty that was implemented as a standard in the nationwide clinical practice in Belarus and resulted in five patents. My results were broadly profiled in the national media and TV.

I am a fluent English speaker and a native Russian/Belarusian speaker. I have intermediate level of Ukraine. I understand basic Polish and Dutch (Certificate A2).


2013–2017  Ph.D. in Medicine

Thesis “Functional magnetic resonance imaging study of central neural system control of voice, with emphasis on phonation in healthy women and women with muscle tension dysphonia”

Tutor: Professor S.Claeys

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,

Department of Otorhinolaryngology,

Ghent University, Belgium


Candidate of Medical Sciences

GPA: 5.0/5.0

Thesis “A method of septoplasty using a synthetic mesh implant”

Tutor: Professor V. Kunitsky

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Vitebsk State Medical University, Belarus

2002–2007 Senior Fellow, Fellow, Resident

Specialization: Otorhinolaryngology

Department of Otorhinolaryngology,

Vitebsk State Medical University, Belarus

1996– 2002 M.D. (with the highest honors)  Vitebsk State Medical University, Belarus

EDUCATION (COURSES, POSTGRADUATE TRAINING, CERTIFICATIONS)                                                                



Courses and Postgraduate Training



Weill Cornell Medicine-NYP

General Hospital Salzburg

Otology & Temporal Bone Surgery

CD: Samuel Selesnick, MD

Co-CD: Gerd Rasp, MD


01.22.2019 – 25.05.2019

Department of Oncology, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Surgical oncologist training course and Examination



University of Ghent, Belgium

The Profess Basic ICH GCP Qualification training course and Examination


31.08. 2015 – 01.09.2015

Department of otorhinolaryngology, Ghent University, Belgium

Septorhinoplasty Workshop

Tutor: Professor S. Claeys


August 26  - 29, 2015

Ghent, Belgium

27th International Course on Endoscopic Surgery of the Paranasal Sinuses and Skull

Tutor: Professor C. Bachert

An auditor

August 27  - 30, 2014

Ghent, Belgium

26th International Course on Endoscopic Surgery of the Paranasal Sinuses & Skull Base

Tutor: Professor C. Bachert

An auditor

20.10.2005 – 19.12.2005

Ministry Of Health Of The Republic Of Belarus, Centre For Expertise and Testing in Health Care, Minsk, Belarus

Training in international rules of Good Clinical Practice Tutor: Professor G. Godovalnikov


01.10.2002 – 30.08.2007

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Vitebsk State Medical University and Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Belarus

Otorhinolaryngology training course and Board Examination

Professor V.  Kunitsky



2017 - current

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Vitebsk State Medical University and Vitebsk Clinics Emergency Hospital, Belarus

Associate Professor of otorhinolaryngology Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology

2013 - 2017

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ghent University, Belgium

PhD in Medicine, investigator

2007 - 2013

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Vitebsk State Medical University and Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Belarus

Senior Fellow Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology (Cathedral Assistant)

2002 - 2007

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Vitebsk State Medical University and Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Belarus

Fellow, Resident, Candidate of Medical Sciences



Inpatient/outpatient care

Ears, Nose, Throat Pathology


Duty and urgency

Ears, Nose, Throat Pathology


Functional magnetic imaging (FMRI)

Neurolaryngology, Vocal disorders


Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs, P300)

Neurolaryngology, Vocal disorders


Clinical trials

Upper Airways Research Laboratory (URL) Clinical trial center at the University Hospital Gent at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology (head: Professor C. Bachert).


RECENT ADVANCED CLINICAL EXPERIENCE                                                                             

2017 - current

I am working as Associate Professor in Otorhinolaryngology

at Vitebsk Clinics Emergency Hospital, Belarus.

The main profiles are:


general otorhinolaryngology

and emergency ENT.

2016 - 2017

GCP, clinical trials

2013 – 2017


Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI);

Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs).



Interpreting fMRI data

(functional organization of the human brain):

maps, modules and dimensions using Brain

Voyager Software

Creating and Organization of the large-scale

neuronal networks of the human brain

for creating advanced model of diagnostic and therapy

of vocal disorders

2007 – 2013


I worked as a “specialist doctor”

at Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital,


The ENT department has 60 beds.

The main profiles were:

general otorhinolaryngology

and emergency ENT.


Department of Otorhinolaryngology at Vitebsk State Medical University

Research project: Immune function after surgery on the sinonasal area (septoplasty, ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary sinus surgery, turbinate surgery): the effect of postoperative treatment

Neurolaryngological Evaluation Of Voice Disorders

Major publications and work in progress for current research

Van Lierde*, M. Kryshtopava*, G. Van Maele, B. Boehme, N. Piens, K. Vonck “Impact of vagal nerve stimulation on objective vocal quality, a pilot study” Journal of Voice, 29.6 (2015): 777-e9.
*equal contribution

Kryshtopava, K. Van Lierde, I. Meerschman, E. D’Haeseleer, P. Vandemaele, G. Vingerhoets, S. Claeys “Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Brain Activity Associated With Pitch Adaptation During Phonation in Healthy Women Without Voice Disorders”. Journal of Voice; 31:118 (2017): e121-118. e128.

D'haeseleer E., Behlau M., Bruneel L., Meerschman I., Luyten A., Lambrecht S., Cassol M., Corthals P., Kryshtopava M., Wuyts F.L., Claeys S., Van Lierde K. “Factors Involved in Vocal Fatigue: A Pilot Study”. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 68 (2016): 112-118.

Kryshtopava M, Van Lierde K, Meerschman I, et al. Brain Activity During Phonation in Women With Muscle Tension Dysphonia: An fMRI Study. Journal of Voice. 2017 Apr 11. pii: S0892-1997(16)30505-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2017.03.010. 

Kryshtopava M., Van Lierde K., Defrancq C.; De Moor M.; Thijs Z.; Meerschman I., Vandemaele P., Vingerhoets G., and Claeys S. (2017). Brain activity during phonation in healthy female singers with supraglottic compression: an fMRI pilot study. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 1-10.

Kryshtopova M., Delendik IM, Solkin AA, Belyavsky N.N., Petrova L.G. Development of protocols for studying the role of the central nervous system in the control of voice formation in healthy individuals and patients suffering from functional dysphonia, and assessment of their effectiveness. “Otolaryngology. Eastern Europe "2018, volume 8, No 4 361-368.

Kryshtopava M., Van Lierde K., Claeys S. “Laryngeal neural control of phonation and functional voice disorders” (in progress).

Oral presentations

Kryshtopava, K. Van Lierde, I. Meerschman, E. D’Haeseleer, P. Vandemaele, G. Vingerhoets, S. Claeys "Neurophysiological foundation of human phonation: a pilot fMRI study”. Oral presentation. The Third Polish Lithuanian ENT Congress on September 26, 2015, Augustow (Poland)

Van Lierde, M. Krystopava, G. Van Maele, B. Boehme, N. Piens, K. Vonck "Impact of Nervus vagus stimulation on objective vocal quality, a pilot study". Oral presentation. Care of the professional voice, 27-31 05/2015, Philadelphia (USA).

Kryshtopava, K. Van Lierde, S. Claeys How talented is your voice? Oral presentation. Science Day, November, 2015, Ghent (Belgium).

Kryshtopava, K. Van Lierde, I. Meerschman, E. D’Haeseleer, P. Vandemaele, G. Vingerhoets, S. Claeys “Brain Mapping of Laryngeal Sensorimotor Control in Normal Phonation” Oral presentation. The 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, March 14 - 17, 2016, Viña del Mar (Chile)

Kryshtopava, K. Van Lierde, I. Meerschman, E. D’Haeseleer, S. Claeys “Functional magnetic resonance imaging study of brain activity during phonation in women with functional voice disorders” Oral presentation, Research Day, 16.03.2016, Ghent (Belgium

Meerschman, E. D‟Haeseleer, S. De Ley, M. Krystopava, S. Claeys, K.Van Lierde “Muscle Tension Dysphonia” Oral presentation. Symposium ‘Voice and Muscle Tension’ 16/04/2016, Brugge (Belgium)

Kryshtopava, M. De Moor, E. D’Haeseleer, K. Van Lierde, S. Claeys “Brain activity during phonation in healthy women with singing experience: an fMRI pilot study” Poster presentation. Studenten OnderzoeksSymposium (SOS), 26.04.2016, Ghent (Belgium) – Best poster presentation award!

Kryshtopava, K. Van Lierde, I. Meerschman, E. D’Haeseleer, P. Vandemaele, G. Vingerhoets, S. Claeys “Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Brain Activity During Phonation In Women With Muscle Tension Dysphonia” Poster presentation, Knowledge for Growth, 6 May 2016 Ghent (Belgium).

Kryshtopava, K. Van Lierde, I. Meerschman, E. D’Haeseleer, G. Vingerhoets, S. Claeys "Central Neural Correlates Of Laryngeal Tension During Phonation In Muscle Tension Dysphonia: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study” Oral presentation, 12th Salzburg Voice Symposium, brain & voice, 26 – 28 August, 2016 (Austria).

De Francq C.; De Moor M.; Thijs Z.; Kryshtopava M.; D’Haeseleer E.; Meerschman I.; Van Lierde K.; Vingerhoets G.; Claeys S. "Brain activity during phonation in healthy women with singing experience: an fMRI pilot study ” Oral presentation, 12th Salzburg Voice Symposium, brain & voice, 26 – 28 August, 2016 (Austria).

Van Lierde, M. Krystopava, S. Gadeyne, A. Luyten, E. Dhaseleer, L. Bruneel, G. Van Maele, B. Boehme, N. Piens, K. Vonck Impact of vagal nerve stimulation on objective vocal quality: a pilot study” Oral presentation 24 august 2016 Dublin, 30th World Congress of the IALP (Ireland)

Van Lierde, M. Behlau, E. Dhaeseleer, L. Bruneel, I. Meerschman, A. Luyten, S. lembrecht, M. Cassol, P. Corthals, M. Krystopava, F. Wuytens, S. Claeys “Factors involved in vocal fatique: a pilot study” Oral presentation 24 august 2016 Dublin, 30th World Congress of the IALP (Ireland)

Kryshtopava, K. Van Lierde, I. Meerschman, E. D’Haeseleer, G. Vingerhoets, S. Claeys "Functional magnetic resonance imaging study of central neural system control of voice, with emphasis on phonation in women with muscle tension dysphonia”. Oral presentation, Royal Belgian Society for Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck Surgery Spring Symposium 25 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium

Maryna Kryshtopava, Kristiane Van Lierde, Iris Meerschman, Evelien D’Haeseleer, Sofie Claeys "Functional magnetic resonance imaging study of central neural system control of voice, with emphasis on phonation in women with muscle tension dysphonia" 12th Congress of the ELS in London (16.05.2018-19.05.2018)

Maryna Kryshtopava, Kristiane Van Lierde, Nikalay Byalyauski, Sofie Claeys "Voice imaging: approaches and protocols». 12th Congress of the ELS in London (16.05.2018-19.05.2018) (Neurolaryngology Award)

Kryshtopava M., Semenau S., Yakubcou N., Syatkouskaya Y. (Vitebsk) - Adaptation and Validation of the Sino-Nasal Outcome Test 20 (SNOT-20) XXX Marius Plouzhnikov International Conference of Young Otorhinolaryngologists, Saint Petersburg, 23.05.2018

Kryshtopava M., Yakubcou M., Syatkouskaya Y., Semenau S. Adaptation and validation of the sino-nasal outcome test 22 (SNOT-22) into Russian, SERIN 2018, October 23-25, 2018, P9

Syamenau S., Kulyakin Y., Aleksandrovsky K., Sjatkovskaya Y., Kryshtopava M. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of surgical treatment of vasomotor rhinitis, SERIN 2018, October 23-25, 2018, P10

Kryshtopova MA, Zatoloka AP, Lesun ON, Kovalyonok EV, Semenov SA, Yakubtsov N.А. Assessment of the quality of life in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Annual autumn conference of otorhinolaryngologists of the Republic of Belarus with international participation, November 16, 2018, Minsk, Belarus.

Krishtopova M., Osipuk E.S., Delendik I.M., Belyavsky N.N., Petrova L.G. Analysis of cognitive auditory evoked potentials (P300) in patients with functional dysphonia. Annual autumn conference of otorhinolaryngologists of the Republic of Belarus with international participation, November 16, 2018, Minsk, Belarus.

Kryshtopova M., Belyavsky N.N., Petrova L.G. «The evaluation of cognitive function in functional dysphonia» The 5th Congress of European ORL-Head & Neck Surgery, 29.06 - 03.07.2019, Brussels, Belgium, poster presentation.

Kryshtopava M, Van Lierde K, Byalyauski N., Petrova L., Claeys S. “Functional dysphonia: Why do we use protocol of the European Laryngological Society (ELS) with extensions?” 5th Lithuanian - Polish ENT Congress June 13-15, 2019. Druskininkai, Lithuania


Tissue engineering of cartilage for craniofacial and neck reconstruction (flexible cartilage for ear, nose and larynx); cartilaginous tissue healing; biomaterials.


A method of septoplasty using a synthetic mesh implant. Thesis: Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences, Vitebsk State Medical University, Belarus


Efficiency of a hormone replacement therapy after thyroidectomy. Thesis: Degree of Doctorate of Medicine, Vitebsk State Medical University, Belarus.


  • “Device for obtaining cartilage tissue layer slices” (Belarus #3137, 2006);
  • “Implant” (Belarus # 3938, 2007);
  • “Nasal tampon” (Belarus #3822, 2007);
  • “A method for the reconstruction of the deformed nasal septum” (Belarus #12702; 2009);
  • “The method of surgical treatment of the deformation of the nasal septum” (Belarus #12819, 2010);


  • “A textile material for reconstruction of cartilage and bone structures”. Nationwide Clinical Trials completed in 2008, implemented in clinical practice, Belarus.
  • “Septoplasty of nasal septum with reconstructed cartilage”. Recommended as a standard in Nationwide Clinical Practice starting from 2007, implemented in clinical practice.
  • “Allotransplantation of parathyroid glands to treat severe forms of hypoparathyreosis”. Recommended to and implemented in clinical practice starting from 2001.


  • European laryngeal Society Neurolaryngology Award in 2018;
  • Erasmus Mundus WEBB Fellowship The only recipient in medicine. International selection was conducted by European Union in all fields of sciences and humanities. Amount of award: a three-year stipend of Euro 54,000 (total) and full tuition and fees.
  • National Prize (First place) “Best Innovation Project by Young Researchers” Country’s most prestigious prize for innovations done by researchers under age 35 in all fields of science and engineering. The prize is awarded for “Developing, business strategy, and implementation in clinical practice of the new biotechnological medical Textile Material for Reconstruction of Bone and Cartilage Structures”
  • Second place Award of the President of the Republic of Belarus Country’s most prestigious prize for young researchers.The only recipient in medicine. Nationwide selection was conducted in all fields of sciences and humanities..
  • Second place National Prize for Student Research The only recipient in medicine. Nationwide selection was conducted by the Ministry of Education in all fields of sciences and humanities.


Professor Anatoliy Shchastniy  Professor in Surgery, Rector of Vitebsk State Medical University, Vitebsk, Belarus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Professor Sushkov Sergey Vice-rector of Scientific and Research Affairs Candidate of Medical Science, associate, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Professor Sofie Claeys Professor in Laryngology, Head of Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology, Ghent University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Professor Hubert Vermeersch Head of the Department of Head, Neck and Maxillofacial Surgery, Plastic Surgeon, Ghent University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Professor Kristiane Van Lierde Head of the Master Program of Logopaedic and Audiological Science University Ghent, Speech, Language Pathologist, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Professor Claus Bachert Head of URL Clinical trial center at the UZ Gent, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.