Vice-rector for scientific work Sushkov S.A. opened the meeting with a welcoming speech.
The online conference was attended by leading scientists, allergists and immunologists of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Austria, Spain (World Allergy Organization - WAO), USA. After each report, the speakers answered the questions of the presidium and those present, a great interest was shown in the discussion on the part of practical health care specialists.
Professor D.K. Novikov, the founder of the school of clinical immunology and allergology, Chairman of the Belarusian Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists, presented a new concept of allergy and congratulated the staff of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology with the course of FAT and SR on their 35th anniversary.
New data on the diagnosis, treatment and vaccination of SARS-COV-2 infection were presented by the world's leading scientists Ignacio Ansotegui (Spain), Lawrence Dubasque (USA), Rudolf Valenta (Austria), a group of scientists from the Institute of biophysics and cell engineering of the Republic of Belarus under the leadership of A. E. Goncharov.
Rudolf Valenta (Austria), Bisyuk Yu.A. (Ukraine), Shilovsky I.P. (Moscow, RF), Meshkova R.Ya. (Smolensk, RF), Gamova I.V. (Saratov, RF), Manina I.V. (Moscow, RF), Osipova A.V. (Belarus) and academic staff of our university: Vykhristenko L.R., Shchurok I.N., Sidorenko E.V., Ishchenko O.V., Yanchenko V.V., and Semenova I.V. reported on the latest developments in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases.
Of particular interest was the section on skin manifestations of allergy, where reports were presented by V.P. Adaskevich, N.S.Alyakhnovich, and T.M. Sobolenko.
A lot of positive feedback came about the reports on childhood immunopathology: M.V. Belevtsev (Minsk, Belarus), Buza D.V. (Minsk, Belarus), Titova N.D. (Minsk, Belarus), Povorova O.V. (Minsk, Belarus), VSMU staff - Minina E.S., Ryabova T.M.
As part of the event, an exciting competitive poster session was held - graduate students and doctoral students presented video presentations, followed by answering the jury's questions. As the results of the competition, diplomas of laureates were awarded to - Artishevsky S.N. (Minsk, Belarus), Grigorieva I.N. (Moscow, RF), Prokhorenko R.V. (Vitebsk, Belarus), 1st degree diploma - to Generalov S.I. (Vitebsk, Belarus), 2nd degree diploma - to Derkach E.F., (Vitebsk, Belarus), 3 degree diploma - to Pozharitskaya A.A. (Vitebsk, Belarus), Karpuk N.A. (Vitebsk, Belarus), Shitikova M.G. (Minsk, Belarus), the rest of the participants were awarded certificates.
We thank all the conference participants!
See you again at the III Republican conference with international participation "Vitebsk Spring 2022" together with the congress of the Belarusian Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists "!