VSMU students visited the exhibitions "Year of Quality" and "A Book as a Gift to the President" as part of the republican social and cultural event "Unity Marathon"

vist main On November 29, 2024, as part of the republican social and cultural event "Unity Marathon", the VSMU students visited the exhibition "Year of Quality" located at VSTU and the exhibition "A Book as a Gift to the President" located at VSU named after P.M. Masherov.

The exhibition "Year of Quality" presents 27 propaganda drawings, each of which reflects the unforgettable flavor of Soviet reality, unique rare posters from the collection of the National Library of Belarus "With the Quality Mark".

At the exhibition at the Vitebsk Pedagogical University named after P.M. Masherov, the VSMU students got acquainted with the presented books from the collection of the National Library, the Presidential Library, the Palace of Independence, donated at different times to the Head of State by the leaders of different countries, public and cultural figures.

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