International cooperation. Meeting of the student councils of VSMU and VolgSMU

stud_sovet 01VSMU and Volgograd State Medical University have long-standing and fruitful cooperation.

On the eve of the International Day of Student Solidarity, on November 15, 2024, an online meeting of student councils of VSMU and VolGMU was held. The Vice-Rector for International Relations , Organizational and Legal Work Denis Lits addressed the students of the partner university with a welcoming speech. The event was also attended by students of the medical and dental faculties of VolgSMU, who are studying at our university during the semester under the academic mobility program.

During the meeting, an exchange of informational speeches on the activities of the student councils of VSMU and VolgSMU took place, opportunities and areas of cooperation were discussed: project activities, bilateral participation in events held at the two universities, scientific activities.

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