Forum of Universities’ Rectors of Russia, Brazil, Belarus and Forum of Universities’ Rectors of the BRICS Countries

forum rektorov 01On October 16-17, 2024, the Rector of the Vitebsk State Medical University Alexey Chukanov took part in the Forum of Rectors of Universities of Russia, Brazil and Belarus and the Forum of Rectors of Universities of the BRICS Countries in order to inform about the potential of medical universities in the Republic of Belarus.

On October 16, 2024, at the plenary session, which was held at the Moscow State University named after N.V. Lomonosov, Alexey Nikolaevich made a report on the topic "Potential of Belarusian Medical Education as a Basis for Mutually Beneficial Cooperation of the BRICS Countries".

As a deputy of the Vitebsk City Council of Deputies and a member of the board of the Ministry of Health, in the preamble of his report, Aleksey Nikolayevich emphasized that today medical education in the world is given a very important role, since ensuring high-quality public health is the most important task of the state social policy of any country. That is why most universities organize or recreate previously existing medical faculties in their structure in order to meet the modern demands of society and the state. But for high-quality medical education, Aleksey Nikolayevich emphasized, a well-thought-out, verified over many years, and even decades, well-established training system, experienced personnel, and a modern technical base are necessary.

Medical universities of the Republic of Belarus fully comply with the described criteria, as evidenced by the fact that young citizens from more than 45 countries of the world have chosen them as a place of study. Therefore, our medical universities are undoubtedly attractive partners for universities of the Russian Federation, Brazil and other BRICS countries wishing to develop cooperation in the field of medical education, science and specialized medical pedagogy.

Participation in the Forum events expanded the range of international cooperation with higher education institutions of the Russian Federation and BRICS countries.

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