The VSMU team is the winner of the open championship in intellectual games for the cup of the Vitebsk regional organization of the BTUHW

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The open championship in intellectual games for the cup of the Vitebsk regional organization of the BTUHW was held on September 25 in the Vitebsk regional clinical hospital and brought together more than 100 participants.

The event was organized by the Vitebsk regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers.

Representatives of healthcare institutions from Vitebsk, Orsha, Novopolotsk, and Lepel entered the competition for the right to be considered the best experts. This year the championship brought together a record number of teams - 17.

The following took part in the intellectual tournament as part of the VSMU team: Senior Lecturer of the Oncology Department with the FAT and PR course Zherulik Sofya Valeryevna (team captain), Senior Lecturer of the Otolaryngology Department Shchelkunov Dmitry Sergeevich, Senior Lecturer of the Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry Department with the FAT and PR course Titov Vladislav Romanovich, Senior Lecturer of the Hospital Therapy and Cardiology Department with the FAT and PR course Prudnikov Aleksandr Ruslanovich, Senior Lecturer of the Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry Department Yakusheva Eleonora Evgenyevna, Trainee Lecturer of the Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry Department Efremova Anna Yaroslavovna.

The game consisted of four rounds: "Media ABC", "Quiz", "Oil Painting" and "Blitz Game". Participants solved puzzles and answered questions on various topics. Some of them were dedicated to significant dates: the 30th anniversary of the presidency, the 120th anniversary of the trade union movement, the 105th anniversary of the Ministry of Health and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

Among the participants the team of the primary trade union organization of VSMU employees showed the best result, winning the challenge cup.

Congratulations on your victory!

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