Congratulations on the 89th anniversary of VSMU from the rector of the university

day rojdeniya VGMUDear colleagues, students and graduates of VSMU!

Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University celebrates its 89th birthday. Tens of thousands of certified doctors, specialists and scientists trained within the university have dedicated themselves to the noble mission of saving human lives and preserving the health of the nation. The graduates of the Faculty of Training Foreign Citizens work all over the world maintaining the high reputation of VSMU in the international medical community. Every year we improve the educational process, introducing modern methods and training programs; we increase the level of educational methodical and educative work; we conduct scientific research; we develop international relations. International cooperation of the university is carried out within the framework of joint educational, cultural, scientific programs and projects. Regular exchange of students and teachers with foreign higher education institutions has been organized.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all current and former employees of VSMU for their fruitful work that has contributed and is contributing to the development of our university.

I wish the students success in their studies and self-realization in their chosen profession. Be persistent, purposeful and proactive!

We still have many ambitious goals and objectives ahead to promote the university to the forefront in the field of medical education and science. But we can achieve what we want only together. Our strength is in unity!

Dear friends, I wish you all good health, prosperity and further professional success! Happy birthday, our beloved university!

University Rector A.N. Chukanov