Congratulations on Mother's Day from the rector of the university

den mamOn October 14, 2023 our country celebrates one of the kindest and brightest holidays - Mother's Day!

For a person, there is no one more important in the world than Mother - a woman who gave life, with whose image the most sincere emotions and happy memories are associated. Mother's love lays the foundation for building a whole and strong personality, permeates every aspect of our lives and plays a key role in preserving the traditions and moral values ​​of society.

We are proud of our women-mothers who daily give a piece of their love and care and work for the benefit of our university and state. On this day I would like to thank you for your wisdom and kindness, inexhaustible energy, loyalty and reliability!

I wish you good health, prosperity and family happiness!

University Rector A.N. Chukanov