Excursion to the training center for practical training and simulation training at VSMU

Excursion training center 01On October 20, 2023, parents of the 2-4 year students of VSMU, excellent students, visited the training center for practical training and simulation training. The head of TCPT&ST Viktor Rednenko introduced parents to the main directions of the educational process at the Center and opportunities for self-realization of students.

Read more: Excursion to the training center for practical training and simulation training at VSMU

As part of the Single Information Day

Social securityOn October 20, 2023, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Educational Work Olga Fedchuk, Head of the Department of Oncology Evgeniy Shlyakhtunov, as part of the Unified Information Day with employees of the Department of Oncology, held a conversation on the topic “Social security: basic principles and priorities”, and also discussed issues of organizing and conducting educational work at the department.

Regional forum “Parental love is a great power”

regional forum parental love 01The chairman of the primary organization of the public association "Belarusian Women's Union" of VSMU, Elena Sharyhina, and the activists of the youth wing of the PO "BWU" of VSMU took part in the Regional Forum "Parental love is a great power." The forum was held with the aim of uniting women of different generations to work together to strengthen family values, spiritual and moral education of children in the family and school.

Read more: Regional forum “Parental love is a great power”