Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Chair of General and Clinical Biochemistry with the Course of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining

The Chair of Biochemistry has existed since the first days of the foundation of Vitebsk Medical Institute.

At different periods of time, the chair actively studied the effect of bacterial infections and toxins on metabolism, the research of the characteristics of lipid metabolism and transport under the influence of radiation-ecological factors have been conducted, which made it possible to develop and implement unique methods for studying the system of cholesterol esterification, lipolytic transformation of lipoproteins, lysosomal lipolysis, metabolism nucleic acids, phospholipid composition of lipoproteins, cytotoxicity of drugs on cell cultures.

Under the leadership of N.Yu. Konevalova the scientific and pedagogical school “Blood lipid transport system in cholesterol diseases” was created.

The chair is working on the topic about the problems of higher medical education “Application of Modern Information Technologies in the Educational Process of a Medical University in the Disciplines of Biological Chemistry and Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics” (2021-2025). Much work is being done to improve the teaching of the chair's disciplines through the implementation of modern innovative technologies into the educational process (interactive lectures, tests, web lectures, distance consulting, elements of distance learning, etc.).

The following disciplines are assigned to the chair:

1. Biological Chemistry (taught to the 2nd year students of General Medicine and Pediatric Faculties, 2nd and 3rd year students of Pharmaceutical Faculty (full-time and part-time education), 1st 2nd year students of Stomatological Faculty, FOST in the specialties General Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry with Russian and English languages of training).

2. Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (taught to the 6th year for FOST students in the specialty General Medicine with Russian and English languages of training).

Innovative technologies are used in the teaching process. Thus, when giving lectures, multimedia presentations and audio versions of lectures, testing (on-line) in classes on the topic being studied, remote counseling of students, web lectures on-line during the academic year, and an electronic journal are used.

Employees of the chair who worked at different times were then appointed to leadership positions in universities of the Republic of Belarus and beyond: at one time Shapot V.S. headed the biochemical department of the All-Union Oncology Center (Moscow), Shkolnik M.I. headed the chair of biochemistry at Petrozavodsk University, Ostrovsky U.M. and Lukashik N.K. headed the chair of biochemistry at Grodno State Medical University, Surikov M.P. headed the chair of biochemistry at Kemerovo State Medical Institute, Odushko N.P. headed the chair of biochemistry at Irkutsk State Medical Institute, Chirkin A.A. headed the chair of chemistry at Vitebsk State University, Osochuk S.S. headed the research laboratory of VSMU, Kirpichenok L.N. headed the chair of clinical laboratory diagnostics at VSMU. Konevalova N.Yu. is the Vice-Rector of Academic Work of VSMU, Kozlovskaya S.P. is a deputy dean of General Medicine Faculty at VSMU.