Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Department of Physical Culture of VSMU

cafedra fk

The educational process of the Department of Physical Culture of VSMU

The activity of the Department of Physical Culture is carried out in accordance with the principles of state policy in the field of education and physical culture and is aimed at:

updating the content, structure and organization of physical education of students;

implementation of structural and substantive transformations in the system of teaching physical culture at VSMU that meet global trends, transition to a qualitatively new level of training curricula, taking into account the innovative development of the country's economy and the needs for training highly qualified medical specialists;

organization of highly effective physical education of VSMU students in academic and extracurricular time;

strengthening the integration of training and physical education and sports

modernization of the material and technical base of the Department of Physical Culture of VSMU, introduction of modern communication and information technologies in the process of training and advanced training of medical personnel;

improvement of human resources, improvement of professional competencies of the teaching staff of the department.

The main tasks solved by the department in the educational process:

– mastering the knowledge of scientific– methodological and practical foundations of physical culture and sports, the formation of a healthy lifestyle of medical students;

– the use of means of physical culture for the prevention of diseases, improvement of working capacity, preservation and strengthening of students' health, development and improvement of professionally significant qualities and personality traits.

To conduct classes, students of 1-4 courses (medical, pharmaceutical, dental, pediatric) faculties of the university are divided into academic departments: basic and preparatory, special.

Students who are assigned to the main and preparatory medical groups according to the results of a medical examination are enrolled in the main and preparatory educational departments. In this educational department, the educational process is aimed at:

– complex use of means of physical culture and sports by the type of general physical training;

– preventive use of means of physical culture for health purposes.

Students who are assigned to a special medical group according to medical examination data, i.e. having certain deviations in health status, are enrolled in a special educational department. The educational process in a special educational department has its own specifics and is aimed at:

– health promotion, correction of physique and posture, improvement of the functional capabilities of the body;

– assimilation of knowledge on the methodology of using physical culture in the prevention of diseases, control of the physical and functional state of the body.

Students related to physical therapy are engaged in groups of therapeutic physical culture at medical and preventive institutions

The purpose of the research work of the department is to develop modern approaches to the organization of physical education of medical students of various educational departments. The need to solve this problem was determined by the socio-economic transformations taking place in society, which also affected the educational process in higher education institutions. Scientific substantiation of the functions, tasks and forms of educational and sports activities allowed to increase the effectiveness of basic physical education, improve the adaptation of students to professional work. The development of new approaches in teaching the discipline of physical culture, which correspond to the integration processes in the economic and educational spheres, will improve their health and lay the foundation for their further achievements in various spheres of life. The Department of Physical Culture organizes and conducts scientific and methodological conferences.