The ceremonial opening of the Training Center for Practical and Simulation Competence of VSMU, created with funds allocated by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and equipped with the most modern facilities, took place on September 1, 2021. Students of the medical university, workers of practical health care, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and many others will be trained on the basis of the center. Training in a Simulation Center allows you to: acquire clinical experience in a virtual environment without risk to the patient; conduct trainings at a convenient time (regardless of the work of the clinic and the availability of patients); practice actions in case of a rare pathology (when during the period of clinical studies there are no patients with these diseases); carry out an unlimited number of repetitions of the skill, and reduce the "stress of contact" with the patient. In addition, it provides detailed pedagogical certification and assessment of the achieved level of skill, which in turn provides ample opportunities for certification and accreditation of medical specialists.