Faculty of Advanced Training and Personnel Development

Faculty of Advanced Training and Personnel DevelopmentFaculty of Advanced Training and Personnel Development was established at Vitebsk State Medical University in 1997. The Independent experts committee of the State Inspectorate of Education Service of the Republic of Belarus accredited the faculty as corresponding to the up-to-date standards.

More than 27,000 physicians and pharmacists from the Republic of Belarus and the CIS countries were trained at the faculty. The educational process is carried out by 21 Doctors and 37 Candidates of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The main purpose of education at the faculty is studying the latest developments of science and analysis of the best practices in the area of medicine and pharmacy. The main attention is paid to deepening and reinforcement of theoretical knowledge, acquisition of new skills and improvement of existing skills, familiarization with new equipment and devices, learning information about progressive forms, methods and techniques of work.

The faculty was established for professionals who have higher medical or pharmaceutical education. They are physicians, surgeons, oncologists, anesthesiologists-resuscitators, pediatricians, obstetricians, immunologists-allergists, doctors who make laboratory diagnostics and other doctors-specialists; pharmaceutists of pharmaceutical institutions, teachers of medical schools. The teachers of the faculty respond quickly to the needs of practical medicine and pharmacy, constantly update the content of the courses and improve the forms and types of training.

Our departments and courses

At present time 5 department and 9 courses work at the Faculty of Advanced Training and Personnel Development (FAT and PD):

• Department of Therapy №1 of  FAT and PD
• Department of Therapy №2 of  FAT and PD
• Department of Surgery of  FAT and PD
• Department of Pediatrics of  FAT and PD
• Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of  FAT and PD
• Department of Oncology with the course of  FAT and PD
• Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics with the course of  FAT and PD
• Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology with the course of  FAT and PD
• Department of Pharmacy Organization and Economics with the course of  FAT and PD
• Department of Pharmaceutical Technology with the course of  FAT and PD
• Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry with the course of  FAT and PD
• Department of Pharmacognosy and Botany with the course of  FAT and PD
• Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology with the course of  FAT and PD
• Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology with the course of  FAT and PD.

The following specialists can advance their qualification at the faculty:

• physicians
• surgeons
• oncologists
• pediatricians
• obstetricians-gynaecologists
• immunologists-allergists
• cardiologists
• neurologists and neurosurgeons
• general practice doctors
• ultrasonic medical investigation specialists
• traumatologists
• doctotrs of Emergency medical services
• anesthesiologists-intensivists
• phthisiologists
• infectiologists
• oto-rhyno-laryngologists
• doctors who make laboratory diagnostics
• other doctors-specialists
• pharmaceutists of pharmaceutical institutions and enterprises of all forms of ownership and department participation.

Directions of retraining of specialists

The retraining of specialists is carried out in the following specialities:

• General medical practice
• Immunology and Allergology
• Pharmacy
• Cardiology
• Anesthesiology and emergency medicine 
• Oncology
• Pediatrics
• Ultrasonic diagnosis

Dean of Faculty of Advanced Training and Personnel Development,
professor Radetskaya Ludmila Eugenyevna

f you need any information do not hesitate to contact us:
210009, Vitebsk, Frunze Avenue, 27
Tel./fax +375 (212) 60-14-37
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